Friday, January 31, 2014

Sacred things...

        You know today, I would like discuss some unconscious prejudices towards the disabled.  I don't mean the obnoxious overt ones either.  Those are just ignorant bullies who need to be smacked a time or three.  I mean the quiet insidious ones we aren't even aware of.   We all have them.  We just don't often think about them. We see a disabled person and immediately think, "poor thing."  Why?  Maybe their life is awesome.  They could've just won a medal or the lottery or just fell in love.  We don't know. We just assume that their life is somehow small and limited.  We automatically think of the disabled as victims or innocents- they could be cunning bank robbers or the most vile small minded haters who ever graced this planet.  We are just assuming they're powerless or timid.  Oh, and here's my favorite pet peeve today we assume if someone does not speak quickly or clearly that they are not intelligent.  And yet one of our most brilliant minds of science uses an augmentative communications device. 
          I get why we do this.  Two hundred million or so years of evolution states that getting information quickly about our surroundings is better for our survival.  That's why we like to label people.  That's why we don't trust people who don't look or sound like us. That's why we love gossip.  We like to think of ourselves as quick-witted not prejudicial, as if that quick dismissal of others was somehow a smart or sacred thing.   But if we do not acknowledge these unthinking reactions, we cannot move beyond them and become complete, whole, decent people.   We spend our lives being jerkwads who limit others instead who and what we are really capable of being.  By limiting others, we limit ourselves.
         And, so to that end dear human race.  Do me a favor?  For the love of all that is good and your own human experience, please stop assuming that disabled are not intelligent.    Normally,with Feisty Pants we don't care.  It's almost fun to completely blow your mind when you find out she's clever and mischievous.   But right now, it's a pain my ass.  Why do the services for the disabled get cut first  when schools and states need to cut spending?  It's because they believe it's ONLY an expense not an investment as if the disabled offer nothing to society. Forget that is clearly not true in a thousand different ways it's also more expensive in the long run.   Why oh why does her bus keep picking her up BEFORE her school day is over?!?  It's her education NOT daycare.  And frankly, a violation of her civil rights.  No one is doing that to be awful.  They just want to be efficient and get their work done. This is a problem with any institution, eventually it becomes run for the convenience of the management not the clients.   So how about we make a deal?  You all stop acting like Feisty Pants is just a "poor thing" who will not be able to go out and conquer the whole world.  And I will stop screaming the "L" word (lawyer) every time you treat  her education as something less than sacred.  And believe me, to me and Feisty Pants, it is a sacred matter.

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