Saturday, January 25, 2014

Some mental sage...

         Hoo boy.  It has been a long and frustrating week.  Feisty Pants is not sleeping well and is very cranky. I've spent half the week on the phone yelling at people.  Not even necessarily the right people, either.  Just the poor schlubs stuck answering the phone when I call. I cannot seem to accomplish much except run around in circles and bug the living hell outta my friends when they make the mistake of calling and saying, "how are you?"
         So, to that end, maybe it's time for a little gratitude and/or apologies to the universe at large.  Think of it as a mental smudging ceremony.  Maybe it'll help to clear out some of the negativity we are accumulating like dust around here.
         So, thank you anonymous people who put up with my bitching at you when I call.  I do know you are just trying to do your jobs.  It's probably not your fault I did not get whatever it is I needed from your company or organization.  And if you had any power to change it, you would not be the poor person stuck answering the phones.   In my defense, this my disabled kid I am speaking for and I will do whatever it takes to get her what she needs.  If at the end of the day, Feisty Pants gets what she needs and you want to hold my hand and sing Kumbaya, GREAT, I did well.  If, at the end of the day, Feisty Pants gets what she needs and you shudder involuntarily every time the phone rings, I've still done my job.  But I am not unaware that I am what has been euphemistically called a "strong advocate"  for my child.  I'm just used to fighting for her for every last thing.  So thank you for your tolerance.
       And, thank you friends, for not letting me see if you roll your eyes and yawn when I go off on a rant about whatever human being has royally pissed me off today.  I am quite sure there are days  I sound like the most boring broken record on the planet.  And yet, you are always kind and thoughtful and listen like you mean it. Friends don't get better than that.
        And, thank you, Hippie Pants, for dropping everything at a moments notice and shlepping your tired, pregnant butt over here to watch your sister and help with every day stuff so I could spend two frigging hours bitching at people and googling info on durable medical supplies and emailing only slightly sarcastic enquiries to her insurance and trying to brainstorm with FP's services coordinator all at the last minute on a Friday afternoon when all the people I had to talk to just wanted to be done with the issue and go home for the weekend with out some half crazed mom's shouting echoing in their ears.  And you didn't even complain or whine or anything. In fact, you were quite pleasant about it all.  Someone must have you raised you right. Wish I knew who it was.
          And, thank you, anyone who has had the patience to read all the way through to this sentence.  May your week be much more productive and peaceful.

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