Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Three Variations on a Holiday Recipe

             Well now,the holidays are well and truly here. I am no longer the only early bird with their tree up or porch lit.  We keep falling further and further behind on day to day work.  And just to nail the true traditional Feistopian holiday themes of love, peace, and soul shredding panic home, there are now four snotty noses running around our house. (See what I did there? snort. You're welcome!)  Since I am now bathing all you weird, germy people in hand sanitizer and thieve's oil anyway, I thought I could share three quick recipes for home made hand sanitizer for holiday joys.  Have a great Thanksgiving and don't forget to remind yourself of all you are grateful for. (I am grateful that you WILL all cough into your elbows and keep your germs to yourself.)
Version one:
Mix together :
1/2 cup aloe vera gel
20 drops thieves oil essential oil blend
Keep in glass jar
Thieve's Oil also goes by four thieves, four knives, robbers, four gurus, etc.  Smells fab and said to boost the immune system.
Version Two:
Mix together:
2 oz Witch Hazel
2oz  distilled water
10 drops essential oil (lavender, eucalyptus, thieves, frankincense, orange, or a mix of any of these)
Place in 4oz spray bottle
Version three:
Mix together:
1/2 cup aloe vera gel
1 and 1/2 cups rubbing alcohol
25 drops essential oil (again lavender, thieves, eucalyptus, orange, etc.)
 Place in a pump bottle.

Happy Thanksgiving.  Stay healthy and sane.


Monday, November 13, 2017

Ahhhh November

                  So, it's been a few weeks or so since I posted.  We've had five doctors' appointments, 15 hours of driving back and forth to said doctors' appointments, two more tests scheduled (including our FIFTH sleep study in the past year), three more medications (now up to fourteen)  and we put our Christmas tree up.  (You're welcome neighbors!) Goo has been blasting carols since 12:01 November 1st.   Also, just for sh*ts and giggles, I think Feisty Pants is a touch high.  The neurologist says she is NOT high.  It's just that "grogginess" and "staring into space" can be "passing side effects of starting a new seizure medication."  (The same can said for being high, but what do I know?)
                But anywho, it is, thankfully, November. The fun frenzy of Halloween is over.  The Christmas rush is not on yet. It's not officially the holidays because no one has thrown up yet. It has gotten chilly. (YEAH!)   The clocks have been turned back. (Double YEAH!)  We only have one more out of town doctor's appointment this month (crosses fingers and toes).   The long term prophylactic antibiotic seems to be doing it's job. I do have an official crap ton of insurance paperwork to do soon but that should open up avenues for Feisty Pants to get some more therapies. And no one seems to have voted for the apocalypse this time around.

                 I am hoping this sensible streak will continue. I am in love with November. It's chilly.  There are no pressing holidays other than Stuff Yourself like a Turkey Day.  Twilight comes earlier and lasts longer. There's football and pumpkins and last minute yard work. But nothing pressing or evil or overly hectic.  As long as November stays kind and does not become a fickle bitch, we can all just enjoy this grand in-between time.  So let's all throw on our comfiest, ugliest pj pants and grab a cup of cocoa.  We can all just cuddle on the couch, argue over whose team sucks the most, and long for the glory of snow.