Monday, December 30, 2013

Yes, Virginia...

               So, I guess we call Christmas a success this year.  No one was in the hospital. (Last year, my mother was in and she is still pissed about that.)  Both my brothers could make it. (We do Christmas at my folks.)  The kids seemed to be having a blast.  My nephews got helicopters and cameras that seemed to occupy them.  A note to the world- NEVER tell a six year old with a new camera you don't like having your picture taken.  They instantly morph into paparazzi of the most ardent sort. At last count, he had over two hundred pictures of me.  Feisty Pants got some crazy doll that flies.  (It's like a cross between a fairy and a fragile glass seeking missile)  Best of all, the six year old shutterbug brought MAGIC REINDEER CORN.  Which Feisty Pants had asked for.  Apparently, it's a thing now.  His had glitter and everything.  OK, it's not really glitter. It's the MAGIC, duh.  Or so FP informed me.  They had a blast spreading it out on my parents'  lawn.  The children later pronounced this a successful mission as a few hours later they peeked out the patio doors to find deer in the backyard eating it. (I did say it was Mayberry.) And there was enough food to feed an army.  And enough cookies and goodies to give all of Pennsylvania type 2 diabetes.  And, it snowed on Christmas Eve.
                 So, so what if there were ten people sharing a house with one and half bathrooms.  And so what if what one those people is VERY pregnant.  And so what if Goo and I didn't get much sleep.  Especially Goo.  So what if Feisty Pants discovered boys have cooties.  And her new favorite phrase is "mack you one" (I'll smack you one.)  So what if all the adults discovered they are really still 12 years old inside when playing scattergories and the letter to start all the words is F.  So what if there was no internet connection and I came home to 1500 emails.  And 35 phone messages.  And a dead mouse in the foyer. 
                   The absolutely most remarkable thing about this Christmas is that it wasn't remarkable in any way.  When you spend your life as that kid's mom, the one who needs a million exceptions to every situation, the one for whom every action is a million times more complicated, the one whose life is filled with weirdness and medical devices and personnel; it's heavenly to be boring and hectic and normal.   To find out my kid gets a little bratty if she thinks she is not being watched..  To notice my nephews sometimes dismissed her because she's a GIRL with real live girlcooties not because she's disabled.   To have to reprimand her for threatening to smack somebody instead of trying to pull out her g-tube. So, yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. I know this because he brought me a big bag of nothing unusual this Christmas.  And I am so very grateful.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Last Minute Gifts

             As I sit in my very comfy house, whining and bitching about all I have to get done before I leave to go to my folks, perhaps I should take a few moments to NOT be a complete a-hole.  Don't get me wrong.  This is not a vacation.  Moms never really get a vacation to begin with and with Feisty Pants, you're actually just working from a new location.  It's a business trip.  But I am going from one comfy house to an even comfier house with food  you would give your right arm for and the only fee is watching my mouth and trying not piss off my conservative relatives at the dinner table.  (I was an obnoxious smart aleck of a little kid, and as the youngest girl of my generation on the larger side, probably a bit more indulged than was good for teaching me manners.)  But I thought that rather than sliding into any more of an annoying funk (whinewhinewhine I have too much to do, packing is haaaard) perhaps I should share some favorite charities.   They could use the shout out.  I could use a little sunshine for my soul.  You can always use them as last minute gift ideas. (Most give you an option to print out a certificate stating that a donation has been given in your recipient's name.)  So in no particular order, here are some of my faves:
The Greater Goods Site-  I've mentioned this one before.  They are made of awesome.  Anything you buy supports their work.  And they have a list of specific charitable actions to support. Just search the column on the far left for "Gifts that give more".  Feed a horse for two weeks. Vaccinate a certain number of kittens or puppies. Fund a clinic etc.  Some even let you pick the exact dollar amount.  And they all send a link to a print out to put in a card if it's a gift. This link specifically goes to the Hunger Site, but you can follow the tabs across the top to better direct where the money goes
Covenant House-  a great organization for homeless youth.  The things homeless children go through is awful.  They are preyed upon in ways that would give you nightmares and yet, when we see a homeless teen, we think delinquent.  What we should think is helpless.  They help those children that we as a society have thrown away.  Even if you never give again, give here.
Kiva-  They specialize in microloans to the poor on five continents.  You can absolutely change a life for the better forever for as little 25 bucks.  They work with microfinance organizations worldwide and 100% of your donation goes to the loan.  They even send the gift card (via email) to your recipient for you.
Saint Judes Childrens Research Hospital-  they do good work, save children and never charge the families.   What more do you need to know?
Shriner's Hospitals for Children-  What Saint Judes is to cancer, Shriners is to orthopedics and movement disorders.  Here you'll be helping kids like Feisty Pants.
Donors Choose-  dedicated to helping kids by helping teachers.  You pick an individual project to donate to.  You get updates from the teacher on progress.  You often get the best thank you notes (with pictures) when the project is accomplished.  This gives back several times over.  Once when you give, again when the project is completed, and in the long run, the community as a whole benefits.  When you help kids, it pays us all back.
The Impact Project-  a local Southern Tier organization.  They are a faith based group of volunteers who want to share their beliefs about religion and fellowship by doing good deeds.  They specialize in fixing and adapting homes for the elderly and the disabled.  They are awesome and really, really good at what they do.  (And since the whole point of religion is commune with the divine by learning compassion for each other, it heartening to see people just, well, get it.)
So there you, go.  Last minute gifts for you if you need them.  Perhaps a little good karma for me.  Definitely good karma for you if you give.   Spread the love, it will come back multiplied.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


        So I am trying to write a few posts ahead of time.  We will be at my parents' place for the week.  They live in Brigadoon/Mayberry/the twelth century.  So I probably will not have an internet connection.   So, I am gonna try to figure out how to post on the fly.  I think it will be easier if a few of them are written before hand.  Luckily, it's Christmas time so I have a bazillion ideas for that subject.   (My new fave idea- telemarketers bugging you?  Hand the phone to the nearest young child and tell them its Santa.)
       But all this bustle and hurry makes me think of the pressure we put upon ourselves at the holidays.  So,  I thought I would make this post be about pressure and memories.  I think most parents put a lot of pressure on themselves to make the holiday just so and very special. It's even worse if you have a disabled kid and already start out halfway to guilt city to begin with.  Now you want to make the holiday super duper special. Eff that nonsense.  (Elf that s&$t?)  The kids will let you know what's special and it's not usually the fussy stuff you're losing your mind trying get just so.  My kids love lights and holiday music and Christmas specials on tv.  Preferably with popcorn or roast chestnuts to stuff into their craws while watching.  Nothing else required thank you.  Give them Charlie Brown or Prep and Landing and the tree lights on and a bag of popcorn  and all is right in their world.  Feisty Pants refers to White Christmas as "that nuggle movie"  (snuggle) because she makes her father cuddle with her while they watch it.  They have seen it together 25 times.  She is ten.  It really isn't ever about the gifts.  And if it is, we have failed somehow.
           And just to prove my point, I would like to share my favorite Christmas memory.   It is brought up every Christmas dinner, much to the delight of the youngest at the table and my father's chagrin.  My mother is allergic to pine trees.  Every year, she would break out in hives decorating the tree.  But she didn't like the artificial ones. Not real looking.  Finally, one year, she found this gorgeous artificial tree. It even smelled of real pine.  We had it forever.  Then one year as she was putting up, one of the bottom branches broke.   Superglue had recently come out.  My mom decided to glue the tree branch.  (Each branch fit into the trunk invidually. Said branch had simply snapped in half.) So she had my dad lie down on his stomach with his arms around trunk of the tree. (The tree was up except for this last branch.) He held the branch in place and my mom glued it. He held it for about a minute to set.  My mom goes, "Let go of the branch, Jack."  Nothing happens.  My mom said, "Let go now,  Jack"  He said, "I can't" She goes, "Quit kidding around now!"  To which my father replies, "You've glued me to the damn tree."    She had. Hijinks ensued.    Nothing she tried would unstick him.  He had to be cut off with a razor blade.   Everytime he said "this is NOT funny"  my older brother and I would fall down laughing. (In retrospect, we were evil children.) So, see, it's not about the presents, or the perfect table, or Martha Stewart's favorite cookie recipe.  It's about making your kids and nieces and nephews squeal and howl at the idea of their dignified Grandpa being superglued to the tree. So, a toast to Christmas please.  Raise your glass and say to hell with perfect.  To hell with pressure we don't deserve.   Here's to a Christmas with laughter and food and just enough superglue to make it interesting.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Magic Corn

         So my kids are nuts for Christmas.  I know all kids who celebrate Christmas go through that stage.  The difference is mine never grow out of it.  I blame my side of the family.  I would blame genetics, but I am an adoptee so no luck in finding a scapegoat there. hurrumph  It has to be nurture.  My mom's family is Pennsylvania Dutch. A big PD family.  (not kidding- I have over 40 first cousins- not second, not third, none of that removed stuff)  You've all seen  My  Big Fat Greek Wedding?  We have My Big Fat German Christmas.  My mother put a second oven in her house just for holiday dinners.   And now Feisty Pants has caught the fever.  So we have to get the lights lit BEFORE Dark.  We have to make cookies at least twice a week.  (C'mon Ummy, it's kismass)  And, she has informed us, we have to find "magic corn" for the reindeer, otherwise how will they fly to the next kid's house, hmmm???  And none of our carrots nonsense, thankyouverymuch, she saw Santa Claus is Coming to Town so she isn't fooled one bit.
          I must admit it's kinda fun, watching kids discover anything new and amazing to them.  And, it's even nice in Hippie Pants' case, to see them not become jaded and cynical about holidays.   It's cute watching FP get all excited about her new ugly sweater for her class' sweater parade and how she will get to wear pajamas to school her last day for the school-wide pajama party.   (Whoever thought that party up for Christmas is a genius!  The kids wear pjs, eat popcorn and watch movies for the party.  They are all excited and no parent has to lose their mind over making cookies.)  She is especially excited because she was afraid she was going to miss Christmas because she was in the hospital last week.  (She told us this after we came home.)
           So, I guess I have to admit I am looking forward to it too.  The kids are happy and chatty.  The house smells like it should (cookies and bread instead of our usual failed chemistry experiments)  It is cold and snowy ( That always cheers me right the hell up)I am sure by the end of the week, I'll be crazed with trying to finish baking, and pack to go to my folks, finally be done with gifts, not to mention wrapping and cards and relatives and phone calls.  And usually something really nutty that makes for an amazing story years later when its finally funny.  (Not kidding, I have dozens. )  But right now, it's quiet.  And there is snow on the ground.  And the big kid has left to go home after watching Christmas specials while cuddling with her sister.  And the little one is asleep.  And Christmas music is playing.  And the house smells like the bread Goo is baking.  And it's ten degrees outside, so no mildew to make Feisty wheeze. It's a grand in between moment.   And I am going to make some tea and savor it. And try to figure out some magic corn.  Before my mother blows up something in her kitchen for the second time this week.  (I wasn't kidding about those wacky stories.)  I wish you a moment of calm in the chaos.  Peace.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Falling of the wagon

        So, we have fallen off the wagon, so to speak.  Feisty Pants has been in the hospital all week. Sigh... It always sucks.  I shouldn't bitch too much.  She wasn't transferred out of town.   She never stopped breathing. There were only two IV placements. It was simple in and out type of deal. A few days on an IV antibiotic and home to finish recuperating.  I am grateful.  We have some scary, scary episodes. This was NOT one of them.
        But, sigh, it never gets easier.   It never gets easier holding her hands while she cries as they stick with her needles.  It is never fun, hearing her beg to go home.  I hate not being able to pick her up or have her sit on my lap because there are too many tubes and wires tying my child to the hospital bed.  I can never get the sound of my youngest and more vulnerable child saying "please stop, please stop" to some medical procedure she hates out of my head or soul.  And, I don't even have the luxury of resenting those who do this to her.  They are, for the most part, dedicated professionals who take great pride and great care in giving top notch medical care to children.  And, trust me, nobody, not even the jackasses, goes into pediatrics for the money or their ego.  When we hit the ER this week, we had nurses, therapists and phlebotomists from all over the hospital swinging by to see "our girl"  and make sure she was getting good care. 
         And now we are home.  In time for my in-laws  early Christmas celebration this weekend.  In time to try to finish our gift making binge.  In time to try to run a marathon of finishing for the holiday.  And to let Fiesty Pants' bruises from the needles heal.  And to let her lungs finish healing (it was pneumonia, probably viral to start -viruses just kick her butt)  And mostly, in her mind, to give her one good day of snuggling on her father's lap watching whatever the hell she wants to because she has damn well earned the right to monopolize the tv tonight.  (It's apparently going to be a Cops, Bigfoot, Dr. Who kinda night.)
         So, in case you ever wonder why we spoil our feisty ones.  In case you ever wonder why we seem to be raising little Bond villains.  In case you wonder why we let them get away with some crap we would not tolerate from anybody else for even one moment.  It is because we watch our very vulnerable children go through a million little hellish moments of one kind or another.  Often, one right after the other.  And when we finally get to leave, they look their torturers right in the eye and say "thank you" for their help.  It all just seems so damn unfair, you want something to go their way for a change.   

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

For that moment when they tell you...

      So, the universe has decided that you have the parental skills (or least the potential) for raising a disabled child and has handed one to you.  After the first reaction of "Wait, what?!? Who, me?!?", what do you actually do?  Some advice if you don't mind.
               First, take a really deep breath.  Get used to feeling of having the rug pulled out from under you.  It's gonna happen a lot- in both bad and good ways.  You will learn to ride it out. You will find a new normal.  Try yoga or meditation, if you need to.  (Although any exercise will help.)
               Next, go ahead- mourn the death of your expectations.  We all have them for our kids.  Disabled or not.  The child you thought you had either did not exist or no longer does.  Acknowledge it, and then let it go.   What you have instead, is something different and much more precious.  If you allow yourself time to grieve for a little while, you will be able to see the beautiful unique child you actually have.  I have two daughters, the youngest one is disabled.  I am actually much more relaxed with the disabled child and I suspect that makes me a better parent to her. Seriously, Hippie Pants is a genius but artsy and flighty.  I wish I had allowed her to be herself instead of ALWAYS stressing about her grades which were never a true reflection of who she is. (Sorry Hippie Pants, but you were my learning curve.  Think of it as the good karma you earned for your little sister, if it helps.)
               Now, go get some different expectations, not the ones you thought you needed like  crawling at x number of months, piano lessons at x years.  GET BIGGER, BADDER, BETTER ONES. SERIOUSLY.  Think happy, healthy, moral adult.   You are not raising a disabled child.  You are raising an independent bad ass adult.   Disabled child is simply the raw material you were handed to do this with.  Make bad ass grownup your mantra.  You're gonna need it when dealing the well meaning morons who you will be trying not to smack all the time.
                  Next, understand that people come in three catergories when dealing with the disabled.  This is most obvious when dealing with the medical profession or education.   They are the following:
1) "OMG that child is disabled. Freak out now. This is not a drill"  -  These are well meaning idiots.  They are the doctors who want to immediately jump to the most dire procedure.  The social worker who wants to help you find a boarding school when your kid is a few months old.  The other kid's parent who doesn't allow their child to ask questions. Sometimes its the drama queen parent of another feisty child who wants you to participate in their anxiety.  Learn to have patience, but call them on it.  They need an education in not being timid.  Most, of all don't let them freak you out.  Their fear can be contagious.
2) "What do you expect?!?  She is disabled after all." - There is a special place in hell for these complacent bastards.  These are doctors who say stupid things like "I'm sure you are okay with anything that stunts her growth"  (No, Dr Mengele, I am not okay with ANYTHING that could limit my child's potential.)  Or, the supposed learned educator who decides because she cannot reach your child, there is nothing to reach for. (Threatened to go to court over that one.)   Always nail these jerks straight to the nearest wall.  Better yet, take their proverbial heads home and mount them on pikes in your front yard as a warning to next jerk who is willing to do a half assed job with, for, or around your kid.Worst of all, sometimes its YOU.  ("I'm sure you tried your best, honey" you say when you kinda know they didn't but are too tired to argue.)  NEVER drop your guard on this one.  Complacency is not your friend.  Disabled people have to over come barriers we don't even normally see.  They are gonna need  strength for that fight not crippling sympathy.  You do NO child, special needs or typical, any favors by not teaching them to shoot for the stars.  So what if they fail?  They'll learn to pick themselves up, dust themselves off, and try again.  It's called being a person. 
3) "Umm, hi, I don't know what to do here..." - This is everybody else not in the two above catergories.  They are actually kind of ok.  Really.  I am more surprised by the number of people who turn out be decent human beings when given the chance, then the number who don't.  We are, at our most basic level, simply banding primates.  And that's actually a pretty cool thing.  People who simply roll up their sleeves and try to help out.  And be cool and inclusive.  The ones who get we are all trying to muddle through together.  They may say silly things or step on your toes occasionally, but for the most part they are helpful and kind.  Be patient and kind back.   You owe your kid a chance to get to know and be part of this crazy world.  And these are the ones who will let them in.
                  Oh, and a few last words on this.   We are all freaks in some way.  Not one of us is perfect.  Your child's not perfect is no better or worse in the long run than anyone else's not perfect.  Learn to dance to your own damn rhythm and let them dance to theirs.  Also, get one healthy vice; (notice I said HEALTHY) coffee, crossword puzzles, knitting, yoga, blogging, competitive ironing, underwater basket weaving, whatever.   Something that is all yours.  Something you can do anywhere you are.  It will let you not get swallowed up when things get crazy.  Good luck and remember to have fun with the weirdness. 

Monday, December 9, 2013


          So this year, we are trying to have a different sort of Christmas.  And so far, to my surprise, I think we are managing it.  Money's tight.  (If you have a disabled kid and aren't actually a robber baron, money is always tight.)  And not just for us. It seems tight everywhere this year.  And I for one, am sick to death of rich greedy people trying to equate spending our money with patriotism or caring.   Especially since it only seems to be about those things when flowing into their coffers. Jacob Marley, where are you when we need you?  Anywhoo, all those stores being open and making their employees miss Thanksgiving is kinda the impetus I needed to opt OUT of the annual feeding frenzy/hunger games of shopping.  So me and Bob Cratchit and Tiny Tim  (HP and FP) are making as many of the gifts as we can this year.
        We usually try to make some of them.  Usually with results straight out of some wacky sit-com.    There were the fudge pops that were supposed to melt into your coffee but melted at room temperature.  Candles that smelled like rotting crayons.  (Is zombie a yuletide scent or is it more autumnal?)  Body oils that smelled like flowers and feet.  (My friend Celtic Pants took to calling me the mad alchemist that year.)  The six dozen peppermint and vanilla candy cane shaped cookies that took FOREVER to make and actually came out great- until my dog ate them.  The earrings with posts that were actually not made out of sterling silver as promised by the craft store clerk and gave the wearers a rash.  Really, other families have carols and hymns, we have a laugh track and slide whistle noises.
         But, so far so good.  Two of our projects have been successes.  We have high hopes for the third and fourth ones.  The gremlins must have gotten a little lost.  We're about 3/4 done with our gift list and not had to scrap anything and start over or call 911. I am calling it a success.  Eff perfection. God and the Universe are gonna have to grade me on a curve.  If they wanted perfect, they wouldn't have given me children AND adhd.  Besides Fiesty Pants is in love with cooking (amazing for kid who doesn't even really eat normally) and some of what we are doing is mix of cooking and chemistry.  So if I blow up the kitchen, I'm just gonna tell people we were trying to provide brain stim instead of shopping.  And if it works, I will never tell a soul that I simply learned to type EASY in big capital letters when I googled diy and homemade gifts.  Shhhh... it'll be our little secret.  

Saturday, December 7, 2013

 Okies, so Goo (the hubby) is a genius. And so is my dad. Seriously.  For months now, I have wasted an awful lot of time  cleaning out and hating on Fiesty Pants' food pump.  The bags cannot be cleaned properly without wasting a lot of my day. And then lo and behold, they figured out how to bypass the safety feature.  (Don't lecture me on why we should not bypass a safety feature.  This stupid feature caused me to lose sleep and that's WAAAYY more dangerous, trust me.  My friends were starting a bail fund for me just in case.)
         So, I am gonna try to post pictures on how to do it.  My dad gets the credit on figuring out how we should be able to do it.  Goo figured it out from there.  So, for all of you stuck with this model (let's again call it  Schmangaroo Schmoey) here is how its done.

  When the pump is done and you want to clean the bag. Remove it from the pump. Rinse the bag itself several times with hot water. Then refill partially with hot water.  Find a place to hang like this:

Note- the end needs to drain into a sink. Otherwise you're back to wasting time.
Take the round part of the tubing.  I call it the safety doohickey.  But Goo is a computer tech and therefore anal about correct terms and says it is a safety valve.  Turn it around to see the safety valve.    Carefully with the tip of a butter knife (NOT NOT NOT a sharp knife), turn it 1/4 turn (90degrees)      
from this:
to this:
Allow the water to drain out completely.  Then simply reverse the turn back to the original position- like the second picture shows.
Easy peasy.  And  I didn't have to kill any nerdy tech types over it.  Just kiss the one holding a butter knife.  Huzzah!!!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


             So, after the craziness that was last week I thought perhaps we should take a breath and pause for a moment as it were.  From Turkey Day to Black Friday to Cyber Monday.  What an orgy of consumption. Whew.  Glad that's done.  It seems to bring out the worst in us.  I feel like we all need a good shower and to go to bed and think about how we all behave.  So, what's the emotional equivalent of alka-seltzer?
Seriously, anyone?
             Hmm, well barring anything better, perhaps the good old  standby of some gratitude for the universe.  So here's my latest round of much too belated thank yous.
               Thank you.   Thanks to  all those people whose jobs make them have to be available on holidays- nurse, doctors, waiters in restaurants open on holidays, kitchen staff in nursing homes, policeman and fireman and all those who sign up for the job knowing they will be at work or on call on Christmas and New Years and every other weekend and holiday. It's often not fair, but you never show it and often make other families holidays possible at all.   And especially thank you to those who should not have ever been asked to work on a holiday.  To all the retail workers and shift workers who have to not spend a holiday with their families because of someone else's greed.  It is DEFINITELY not fair and you deserve better.  (Personally, I am boycotting any store that was open on Thanksgiving until waaayy after the holidays perhaps permanently.  I don't want you to do well, you bunch of Scrooges.  My dollar may not count for much, but I sure as hell am gonna vote with it)  And to those stores who did choose to stay closed on Thanksgiving, THANKS, it's nice to see businesses act with some class. 
              And speaking of class, thank you to all those who work paid and unpaid for non-profits.  Whether anyone agrees or disagrees with your cause or charity, you are working with your heart and soul to try to make things better and that says something good about your intentions and soul.  I especially want to thank those who work for organizations who do e-activism.  You guys work really hard, for free or smaller salaries than a corporation would offer, all so annoying nags like me can try to do our part and make the world a better place.  With every petition I sign or link I post, I think of you guys who made it possible for me to have it so easy.  I don't even get out of my pjs or put down my coffee, to do my part.  Thank you so much.
                 And thanks to all those people in government service who work really hard and never get thanks from anyone.  When you mess up, everyone rides you forever and never lets anyone forget.  But when you do well, things run so smoothly , we don't even notice you are there. Meanwhile, the legislators, who work way less than you and get paid more, act like you are incompetent to make each other look bad.   I don't why you are all not bitter.  But time and again, you simply do your damn job without asking for thanks.  Thank you for making civilization run smoothly.
                  Most especially, thank you to volunteers who work in soup kitchens and homeless shelters and hospitals and places like Ronald McDonald House.  Thankfully, I don't know what it's like to be on the streets, but I do know what its like to be suddenly hours away from home with no real place to stay or idea of where to go for a meal or a shower or a bed.  Leaving a hospital after a reallllly long day of watching your kid be seriously ill and then finding a quiet room with a bed is like finding Shangri-La. 
                   More than anything though, thank you Universe.  Thank you for being wild and wacky and awesome.  And most of all, thank you Universe, for the fact that we were not in a hospital or Ronald McDonald House or crazy mall or ambulance or any of those places that have to stay open on holidays.   Thank you for arranging it that I got to stay at home and whine about cooking and the loud cats and my nutty family.  It was a good holiday.  And thank you for reading this. 

Monday, December 2, 2013


              Well, now, had an interesting conversation with Feisty Pants the other week.  She was happily sitting and watching tv when she burst into tears.  A cry /whine when she is upset or angry is typical, actual tears are not.  FP is one tough little kid. So we went running to see what was wrong.  When asked she said she was awful. Actually, what she said was "awful. ooooey oooey oooey."   That's her word for ouch.  We said "what's wrong?".  She said, " 'mergency.  Need a donut".  Both my kids are Daddy's girls, but this is getting ludicrous.  Especially since, because she made her father laugh really hard, she got an emergency donut.  And now gets an emergency donut every week at the grocery store.  Well, until this week, when FP informed her father that she needed an emergency cupcake.  Her sister, however might need an emergency donut so we should pick one of those too.  What is it about ten year olds that they are all such cunning little buggers?
                  I do worry with FP that we are not giving her enough of a moral foundation.  Her sister was easy.  Hippie Pants was born trying to save the world.  She was bringing home strays by the time she was two.(ANY strays- people, frogs, kittens, anything that stood still long enough.  And she always said the same thing.  "Mommy, he looks hungry. Let's feed him") HP stopped eating meat at age six- the day she found out where it comes from. ("That's just MEAN!!!")  Feisty Pants, however, is well, mostly feisty.  She doesn't like what she thinks is rude.  ("How ROOO") But that's not quite the same as empathy.
                And, it's hard you see.  It's really hard not to applaud  no matter what she does.  She's little. She's adorable.  She's feisty as hell.  And having watched her go through everything she has been through, it's really hard not to do cartwheels for any evidence of self determination or action at all. Or to get angry or stern when she quickly grows snarky and defiant to some adult who is treating her like an imbecile or an infant.  I want to smack them too.  So, this post is in a sense, an apology for whatever type of junior Bond villain she is quickly becoming.  I'll work on her empathy and manners.  You'll work treating her like an equal.  And hopefully, her father will only get her an emergency donut, and not that dynamite she has been asking for.