Saturday, October 26, 2013

         Ok, I guess I seem  kinda bitchy from my last two posts.  I know, you're thinking "No way!  You're just a ball of sunshine, you are".  But, alas, if you look carefully, it's there.  I just hide it well.  So, perhaps, to alleviate what negativity I seem to be accumulating, this one will be about things we can do to spread a little change for good.
          To that end,  I am going to try to post links where you can go and spread a little good or at least fight a little evil.   We all feel better when we work to make the world a better place. LOVE this site. Links to free donations,lots of articles on healthy living, lots of petitions.  And every little thing you do earns butterfly points which you can then spend to make even more free donations.  You'll make the world a better place. You'll feel great.  And it's all free.

The Great Good Site- lots of links to free donations (just follow the tabs at the top) and if you want to shop, a store whose proceeds go to some great charities.  I've spent many a Christmas budget here- and never regretted it once.

Freerice- For those of you who don't already know this site, it is awesome. You answer questions about vocabulary, geography, math, science, languages, etc.  For every right answer, you get a little smarter and the World Food Programme gets ten grains of rice. A great site for kids.

FreeKibble-  Feisty Pants picked this one as her favorite.(You can make the dog bark and kitty meow. Also It was started by a schoolgirl, so GIRLPOWER.) You answer a trivia question and right or wrong you give a donation of pet food to a shelter.

RedJellyFish- Hippie Pants likes this one.  (Her quote "FEED ALL THE MONKEYS!!")  You can click to donate to feed a chimp and to save rainforest.

         So there you go.  A few clicks of your mouse, a few minutes of your time and you have done your bit to make the world better. And in case you wonder why I do seem to harp on making a difference or beating back the darkness or making the world a better place. It is because of this.  Because every single day, I get up and watch my youngest child struggle to move and work  to get her point across when she is hard to understand.  Some days I watch her struggle to find a comfortable place to sit. Some days I watch her struggle to simply take her next breath.  I wonder why there is suffering in this world. I have come to this conclusion.  The reason there is suffering in the world is so that you and I will see it, roll up our sleeves, and FIX IT.   Now, let's all roll up our sleeves and get to work.

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