Friday, November 22, 2013

Holidays are here!

         It's official.  The holiday season has begun.  I know this because we spent the afternoon in an ER.  Mother always said it just wasn't Christmas until someone threw up.   (Seriously, she did. I had a sister who would get soooo excited every Christmas, she would end up sick.  Some people eat too many cookies.  My sister would OD on happiness.)  Not a big deal actually.  Feisty Pants pulled her g-tube (a tube that goes directly into her stomach through which we feed her) one too many times probably, and the balloon that keeps it in place broke.  And that usually means an automatic ER visit.  Believe it or not, she does this a lot.  Gets mad or bored and simply yanks it out and hands it to us.  Also, I think sometimes it becomes itchy and that must drive her crazy.
         So, not much else to do then, but drag Goo out of bed  (he does the night shift with FP and therefore sleeps days) at the crack of noon and schlep her and her entourage (Zippy, suction machine, various equipment, a ginormous purse and two crabby parents) to get it replaced.  The procedure itself takes less than two minutes.  The trip took four hours.  I shouldn't bitch.  Scary visits to an ER have NO wait time.  The fact that it took so long is because it was not all that urgent.  She was breathing fine, not bleeding, and wasn't trying to perform her own rendition of the Exorcist pea soup scene.   I am counting my blessings,  really.
           It's just that I hate wasting time.  I'd rather be working and getting something done.  Even if it's a tedious task. Instead, I am sitting around watching other people work and that's even more tedious.  Worse still, I am sitting around an ER waiting room that is full of sick people.  And I just KNOW at least one of them has that new form of bubonic ebola zombie virus that's about to start the apocalypse.  And I even more sure they will cough/spew/sneeze/bite on us somehow and I will have to attend the end of the world with a fever and chills.  And two whiny cranky daughters who have it too.  My only consolation is that I am merely agitated and bored.(Well, that and the gift shop at this hospital has Starbucks.) I met another parent of a feisty one.  Parents of disabled kids end up running into each other over and over again.  She's in for an abscessed tooth that has become very nasty.   She looks as good as she feels.  I am now a big whiny putz for being bored.
          Update: it's now tomorrow. Sort of.  I started writing this post last night.  And lo and behold, Feisty Pants has a tummy bug.  Don't even tell me that there is a virus running rampant through her school.  Or that if her tummy was agitated and extra acidic, it might have been what popped the balloon on her g-tube.  It's the Holiday Zombie Virus that she got from an ER, I just know it.  Some zombie sneezed on her I am sure.  Happy Holidays!

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