Saturday, October 8, 2016

Feisty Pants and the very bad, very long, no good week.

             Oy, so it has been a long, long week in here in Pantsadu (Feistyland? Feistypantsylvania? anywhoo...)  Feisty Pants is battling bronchitis, which has mostly run its course now. I think.  Fingers and toes crossed.   We are done with most of the extra meds and able to keep her sat rates where they should be so she is back to only on the oxygen while sleeping.   Which is lovely in theory, if she would only sleep this week.   We have a had a crazy few weeks and it has thrown her routines all off.   But two weeks of battling a nasty virus which meant two weeks of mostly being at home, and definitely missing school and therapies and life means not enough brain stimulation and therefore no more sleeping.   Which has meant we are not getting anything done.   Fair warning, if you show up to bitch about whatever it is we have forgotten to do, we are going to assume you are kindly volunteering to do said thing for us and will let you get right on it.
          Oh, and Hippie Pants is not helping. She took a tumble off her back stairs (perhaps that should get fixed finally, Mr. Landlord, hmmmm?) and gave herself a concussion.  Treatment for concussions around here seems to involve a SIX FRIGGING HOUR WAIT  at the medical establishment of choice followed by being given a list of symptoms to watch out for and a "Go get'em Tiger. You'll be fine." pat on the head.   Which is then followed by me throwing a temper tantrum on said medical establishment and respectfully suggesting they get off their asses and hire enough personnel to run their establishment properly.   I don't care if she is a grown up and has her own life and apartment.  That just makes me more determined to help. I hate when medical personnel act as if their time counts but ours does not.  Those six hours came out of our collective sleep and no one has the right to waste them but us.   That wait kept Feisty Pants up until 4 AM.  She is very sensitive to routines and any little bump will knock her off her perch, sleep wise.  So she had two hours of sleep on Thursday.  Which meant we all had about two hours of sleep on Thursday.
            We were able to finally get her out and about with her nurse yesterday.  (Of course the day FP is well enough to go back to school, the school goes on a four day weekend.) So Feisty Pants had a pretty good day yesterday.  Too bad that was NOT followed by a pretty good night.  She literally has had no sleep and is now cranky and moody as only a tired teenage girl can be.  But we are done with some of the extra meds, most of which can make kids jittery and antsy so I hope that and slipping back into a normal routine will just help us all just CTFD.  The Goo has finally managed to crash and will catch a few hours today.  I am hoping that this will just be a phase we are all going through.  Otherwise, I am just gonna say the hell with all of it and break into the Halloween chocolate and you will all have to look out for yourselves.

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