Monday, March 16, 2015

Hey Honey

            So now that we have survived the flupocalypse of 2015, I came across about a billion articles on how honey can beat a flu shot.  (My first thought was "Great! NOW they tell me...")  Seriously, though, I don't know if that's true or not.  I am definitely the opposite of an anti-vaxxer.  (I would give Feisty Pants a prostate cancer vaccine)  But in the interest of "Hey whatever works", I've looked up some decent honey remedies and am presenting the most interesting ones here.  Honey is naturally antibacterial and antifungal, so it could work. I am a firm believer in throw everything at the kids and see what sticks.  If they don't work for you, well, at least we all have learned something, and it's made with honey so it will be a tasty failure.  Btw- These are not for babies, little tummies under a year cannot always handle honey.  There is sometimes a bit of botulism in honey.  Not enough to make a kid or grown up sick but the very little guys should stay clear.

 Honey Immune booster-
1 fresh lemon- juiced
3-5 cloves crushed garlic
3/4 teaspoon grated ginger
pinch cayenne
pinch turmeric
1 TBS honey (raw is best)
Add ingredients to 1 cup water.  Mix well, makes about a cup of juice.  Take daily for flu.

 Honey/Cinnamon Paste- (sore throat/coughs)
1 Tsp Honey
1/2 Tsp Cinnamon
Mix to form paste.  Take two to three times a day for sore throat and coughs. (Man, I wish I knew this one when Hippie Pants was little.  Giving her medicine was like feeding poison to a tasmanian devil when she was a toddler.)

Raw Honey (insomnia/allergies)
2 tsp of raw LOCAL honey
That's it- just make it local and raw and swallow before bedtime.  taken over time it is said to help with allergies and insomnia.

You can also add honey to your bath (1/4 to 1/2 cup) to moisturize skin.  You can slather some on scrapes and cuts to stave off infection and help skin heal faster.  You can even mix some honey and lemon juice into yogurt, and when you get bored eating it, apply the rest to your face for a rejuvenating mask. (Just leave on for ten minutes and then rinse.)

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