Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Avoiding Brain Drain

                         Well, while we were busy being busy, summer seems to have meandered it's steamy way  on through.  Summer school is almost over.   Feisty Pants has only a few days left of  scheming to sit next to the hot boy at school.  At least, until fall.  Which is a million miles away or three weeks depending on how you look at it.   And she has already started her preteen party session.  Last night she sang until 3:30.  AM.  As in "why do you hate Mommy and want to kill her with sleep deprivation?"  3:30 AM.   You would think she would be just exhausted today, but nope.   Feisty Pants is happily watching a movie with Goo.  Chillaxing and biding her time until it is once again time to sing us all the song of her people.  (Last night's theme was Madonna's Ray of Light.)  
                          So, I guess I'd better get off my fanny and finish looking for ideas to keep her busy for the next three weeks. Less brain stim for her means waaaaay less sleep for me and I have been informed I'm already cranky.  (A base canard if you ask me.) FP has been on a science kick lately, which I want to wholeheartedly encourage.   So these next few posts should be about whatever fun, sciency (shut up, that is too a word) things I can find.  Unless some one with medical degree steps on my last nerve or we get distracted by lightning bugs and squirrels or something.  Whatevs.  Here are the first three that seemed fun in no particular order.   

Sand Art- This one is awesome for kids with visual impairments as it stimulates sight and smell and touch.  It's a bit messy so if you're particular, do it in the yard where you can hose the kids down afterwards.
you will need: clean sand, various kool-aid packets, paper, glue, dishes. (one for each color of sand.)
1) Mix a few cups of sand with each packet of kool-aid to create the different colors. (a tiny bit of water may help.)
2) Let the kids draw (or just go straight to spreading glue) on the paper then spread the glue in a thin layer on the drawings.
3) Use the sand to "color" the pictures.

Magnet Kites- This is a great introduction to magnets.  As they play, you can explain about magnetic attraction and gravity.  (Can't remember? Google it!  Now you both have gained some brain stim.  You're welcome.)
you will need: paper, paperclips, string,  a good strong magnet, tape.
1) Cut a three inch kite shape (or two or three) out of paper.  Tape the string (about 9 inches)to one end.  Add a paper clip to the other end.
2) Tape the end of the string to a table or flat surface.
3)Use the magnet to lift the kite into the air.  Once the kite is fully extended, slowly separate the magnet from the paper clip (have the kid hold the kite at first)  The kids will be amazed when the kite continues to fly even after they let go.  And you will look  like Mr Wizard.

 Homegrown friends (stop making stoner jokes, big people.)  These are like chia pets but waaay cheaper and infinitely more charming.  These might even make cute gifts. 
you will need:  old pantyhose (knee highs would work well), potting soil, grass seed  googly eyes (or buttons) glue, and a dish or pot to hold them when finished.
1)Place a good handful of grass seed in the bottom of the pantyhose (the foot part).
2) Fill with enough dirt to make a softball-ish  sized ball.  Tie the end off.  Place in pot so seeds are on top, knot is in base of pot. 
3)Glue/pin eyes (or buttons) to make face. 
4)Water occasionally.  In few weeks this will be totes adorable.

                  Hope this helps to while away the time.  If you need us, just follow the sounds of Madonna or Voltaire or whichever melody Feisty Pants decides the world needs at three am.



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