Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Father's Day, take two

     If the treats from last time were not enough, or just not your thing, here are a few different gifts you and the kids could have fun making.  They are relatively simple and inexpensive.   They are also effing adorable.  Trust me.
1 ) Mug O' Beer- This is cute and fun.  Not to mention extremely easy.  And Dad can share this mug with the kids without a visit from those pesky people at Child Protective Services.  (This one can also work for any grad or as a gift for any guy who likes the occasional pint)
You will need:
One beer mug (I usually find them at a dollar store, but your local megamart would work too)
Butterscotch disc candies. (Or any yellow disc candy)
Simply fill the mug 2/3 full of the disc candies and top with marshmallows.
2)Thank You Jar-  Hippie Pants has made several of these over the years.  They are always charming. (Thanks for the idea Hippie Pants!) And since guys are more sentimental than women, your Goo will love it.
You will need:
One mason jar (with lid)
Paper, pen, marker, crayons, etc.
Simply take small pieces of paper and have the kids write/draw something about the recipient that they are grateful for. (Thanks for playing catch. Thanks for the hug. etc.)  Roll into scroll shape (You can tie with string if you want to be fancy) Place in jar.  Add a cute label with intructions like "Read one each morning"  "Open one before bed."
3) Reusable coffee holder.- I don't know about you, but around here coffee is currency.  Or heroin, depending on how you look at it.  Anything to do with coffee is a fun gift.
You will need:
One cardboard mug holder (swipe one Starbucks or wherever you get your fix)
Piece of cloth- felt is great for this but, really, any thick piece will do.
Sharpie markers or fabric paint/pens.
Fabric glue (or gorilla glue) (OR thread and needle if you are particular)
Simply open the cardboard into a flat piece and use as a pattern to cut out the fabric the right size.  Have the kids decorate with markers (or paint)  Glue (or sew) the ends together and voila.
See, easy peasy and the kids will be all proud of themselves.  You won't just be making gifts, you'll be making memories.

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