Saturday, June 28, 2014

Beating the heat, and bugs, and booboos, etc. (take one)

                   I thought I would make this post about simple diy fixes for everyday summer ailments.  (Maybe the next couple of posts, depending on how many idea I come up with/steal liberally from the interwebs.)   I got the idea because Feisty Pants was helping her father with yard today and got a little over heated.  (Read that as pointing to various parts of the yard and yelling, "Goo, you missed a spot!" while laughing at her own joke)  So we came in and turned on the a/c  and got a cool cloth.   And then the tylenol for the heat headache as we didn't quite get her cooled down quick enough.  The heat is NOT her friend.  So she's currently chillaxin' on the couch with Goo and I now have an idea for this post.  And probably several more because, while we should be the kind of organized parents who proactively take care to make our complicated life run smoothly, we are actually the kind of parents who end up knowing the poison control center's phone number by heart.  (Hippie Pants as a toddler thought every flower and tree was edible.  And she could run faster than me.)
                    So why don't I start off with what seems to be the most common summer bummer and list some easy and helpful sunburn remedies?  Here are the ones that everybody I know swears by.

1) White Vinegar- I swear that white vinegar is proof that the Universe loves us and does not want us to use nasty chemicals  that do horrible things to our endocrine systems.  It's non toxic. You can clean with it.  It deodorizes anything.  And it's a great addition to a home remedy kit. (Heck in a pinch you can spray it on a salad or make pickles.)  In the case of sunburn, try diluting with water (half and half) and put it a spray bottle and mist yourself.  You can even freeze into ice cubes and rub (carefully) over tender burned skin.  Or add a cup of vinegar to a tub of water (lukewarm) and soak.
2)Cucumbers- for a small burn (say the apples of your cheeks) simply cool, slice and apply.  I've heard a few people have pureed it and blended with water and applied directly to skin for larger areas.
3)Plain yogurt- simply apply yogurt to skin.  Allow to sit for a few minutes, rinse off in a cool shower. Dry GENTLY.
4)Tea bags- either cool used tea bags and apply directly to skin for small burns (eyes, cheeks) or steep a strong tea and pour into a spray bottle to mist skin.
5)Lettuce leaves- boil lettuce leaves in water, strain, and cool liquid in your fridge.  Use a cloth to gently apply to burned skin (or even use in a compress)
6)Oatmeal- this works for all kinds of skin issues, not just sunburns.  Place dry oatmeal in cheesecloth or gauze (personally I used old pantyhose) tie shut and toss into tub for a skin soothing bath.  You can even use oatmeal in a cheesecloth and soaked in water as a compress.
7)Witch Hazel- soak a towel in witch hazel and use as a compress.

8)Baking Soda- add a cup or two to a tepid bath and soak.  The trick with this one is to NOT dry off when you get out but let the water dry naturally on your skin.  
With any of these you can add some aspirin or tylenol to ease swelling and pain and drink LOTS of water as sunburns are dehydrating.  Stay cool.  

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