Friday, December 8, 2017

WTF is Wrong with Us?

                  This piece has taken me forever to write.  I am so angry and frightened for my kid. Not what I wanted to be doing at Christmas time.  I wanted to write a funny piece about getting ready Christmas.  I have totally traumatized Hippie Pants' two year old, Honey Badger, with a phone call to Santa feature on my echo which was hysterical even if her mother did not think so. (Hippie Pants lacks a certain kind of sense of humor.)   I thought about researching another "what on earth makes a good gift for a disabled teen?!?" article. I was gonna title it Not Another Effing Teddy Bear (hint- if they're verbal get them an echo dot from Amazon, less than 30 bucks and opens up the world to them).  BUT JESUS, MARY, AND JOSEPH, WHAT HAS GONE WRONG WITH EVERYONE?!?!
                    Does everyone realize exactly what a travesty and horror this latest outrage from Washington is?  I get we are exhausted and practically numb.  That is, in part, how dictators operate.   (Hint- they are exactly like cult leaders or abusive spouses- they all work from the same psychological book of bully tricks.) But two things coming down the pike should scare the shit out of everyone.  The first, this monstrous tax bill. Congress is just not setting up a way to completely reward the rich. They are setting up an excuse to gut social security, medicare, and medicaid.  The elderly and disabled will be the first to take the hit.  You worry about your elderly parents or grandparents now?  Imagine what it will be like when they are in danger of freezing to death or starving to death.   Or cannot afford their  medications at all. Don't even get me started on what this could do to my kid. My daughter has to be tube fed a specialized formula that can easily cost upwards of 30 THOUSAND dollars per year.  Or starve to death with in about two weeks.  While I watch. She is on, right now, 15 medications. Wanna know how long she could last with out them?  Or exactly how much pain and suffering and torment she would go through until she managed to starve to death? Or die of seizures? Or aspiration pnuemonia?  Because that is without a doubt, her future without medicaid.  
                      And this is totally acceptable to representatives in Congress because the GOP has sold it soul to the libertarian wing of their Party.  You know, those morons who love talk about starving as "freedom" and adore Ayn Rand. (For a really interesting read on Rand, please google "Ayn Rand and satanism"  Those two things have a LOT in common.) Or perhaps just google the treatment of the disabled in institutions in America.  If that does not change your mind about insurance paying for community services, then your soul is damaged and you need more help than I can provide. (Perhaps a priest and a lot of holy water would help.)
                      The second thing we should be umm er, concerned about is the idea floating around DC started by Erik Prince, the founder of Blackwater and brother of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.  Mr. Prince has proposed a private spy network.  Let that sink in. The brother of one of our Cabinet members has suggested starting a SECRET POLICE.

                      In this season of holiday after holiday for religion after religion that is meant to be about bringing light and hope and love to the world, we seem to have all lost our damn minds and are in danger of losing what is left of the American soul.  How much further down this awful rabbit hole do we need to go before we find our humanity again?

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