Friday, February 5, 2016

Things to do in February while it does not snow

                 Soooo, it's February again.  I love this time of year.  It's wee little month usually packed with holidays and superbowls and three day weekends and my birthday (hint, hint, HINT, Goo) and best of all, snow.   Although this winter seems to be defective.  Honestly, has there been a recall yet or do I have to just demand my time and energy back on my own?  Anywhooooo.
                 But since it is indeed February, snow or no snow, I thought I would post some quick Valentine's Day gifts/birthday gifts/ look at me, I'm almost thirteen and have been spotted holding hands with a boy maybe I should get him something gifts. (That's right, Feisty Pants, I have eyes in the back of my head and a better spy network than MI6.)  And, to state the obvious again, dads out there, doing crafts with your kids to make gifts makes you look good TWICE. You're welcome.
                So to get you going for the holiday, here are three quick, charming crafts.  Just make sure to clean the kitchen when you're done. (HINT HINT HINT GOO)

Rose petal sugar-
                 you will need rose petals, sugar, a vanilla bean, and a mason jar (or, alternatively, heart shaped candy molds)
                 Rinse the rose petals very well and pat dry. Place vanilla bean in jar, layer petals and sugar.  Cover and allow to sit for about a week.  You can add a pretty ribbon and give as is or remove sugar and use candy molds to form hearts.  Rose sugar is great for teas or making a scrub or dusting candies and pastries.

Love you to pieces decoration-
               you will need popsicle sticks, string or pipe cleaner, puzzle pieces(we all have a puzzle with missing pieces), paint, marker
                Simply form a base of popsicle/craft sticks (like a miniature raft or table top) and glue together. When dry paint a solid color (anything but red.) Draw an out line of a heart and glue the puzzle pieces in the heart (you are NOT aiming for perfection here, but to be cute and charming) Paint the heart (and pieces) red.  Write "LOVE YOU TO PIECES!!" with marker. Add the string or pipe cleaner for a hanger.

Valentine's snow globe- (I gotta get some snow somehow...)
                   Jar with a lid, small love themed decoration (heart,figurine, whatevs -just has to fit in the jar) glitter, glue

                   Simply glue the bottom of the figurine to the inside of the lid.  Place a handful of glitter (or two) into the jar.  Screw the lid on and flip. Voila, charming and easy. You can add a ribbon to the lid if like but that's up to you.

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