Monday, October 26, 2015

Sliding into home

         Whew... it has a crazy couple of weeks.  First we had a buttload of appointments.  Feisty Pants has a severe scoliosis and may be having surgery after the first of the year. So there were consultations and x-rays and all day long appointments to deal with.   In another city.   On the Goo's birthday.  For which the universe gifted him 48 hours without any sleep. Then there was the flu shot parade.  The flu sucks worse than the shot so off we all go every fall. Three shots, three appointments. Not a biggie but that's three day's worth of transportation and time to arrange.  Except this time, Feisty Pants -who has fluctuating muscle tone due to her CP (read that as her muscles will loosen or tighten up almost at random) tightened her legs up at random just as she was getting the shot. So it hurt.  And she cried for the next twelve hours straight.  All the way home from the doctors.  All the way to the grocery store.  All the way home.  All the way until she fell asleep that night.  If CP were a person, I would have punched it in the face.  
        Then, because it is not crazy enough, one day last week the brakes on FP's nurse's car went out.  The universe had better NOT mess with that lady. She is amazing with my child and deserves roses and chocolates and cute boyfriends NOT bad brakes on her NEW car. Or heavens forfend, an accident. Oh and Hippie Pants did not want to be left out of the chaos, so she has some awful stomach bug and/or ebola and/or the plague. We love her but she is in exile right now and will not be out of banishment until she behaves and stops being contagious.    

            I shouldn't bitch .  I really shouldn't.  These are all minor troubles and the Bataan Death March of our last couple of weeks seems to be over.  (And it sooooo unlike me to complain, I know. I know. I'm such a saint.) It's just that when you seem to live on the raw edge of your patience and nerves, it never takes much to upset the apple cart and overwhelm you.  We sleep in shifts, are sleep deprived on the best of days, and never seem to have to time to finish the everyday stuff, let alone the crazy stuff that life hands out to us all. I do not know how anyone with two feisty kids can manage it. I have one feisty one and am usually lucky to be able to find my ass with both hands and a flashlight. But, I know the crazy won't last forever.  The hectic pace of the last couple of weeks is slowing down.  The brakes were fixed. Goo got some sleep.  Tummy bugs, like all things, will pass.  Halloween will come on the weekend, so no squeezing it in around school and therapies.  Best of all, we will be turning back the clocks soon so I will have an extra hour in my weekend. (Yay, sleep!) The first two weeks of November never looked so blissfully uneventful. Our October has been like running that last mile of a marathon or hitting a triple in the last inning of a game.  Sliding into the home plate of November has rarely looked so good. 

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