Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Some things my kid's have taught me

          Since it was Mother's Day this weekend, I thought I would make this post about things my kids have taught me.  No, I don't mean all those unconditional love lessons, that mushy "oh, look at watching my babies grow up- sigh" emotionally overwrought type of crap.  EWWW.  Ick. You want that kind of sentimentality, Goo will have to write a blog.  Or Hippie Pants.  They're the mushy ones in this tribe.   Feisty Pants and I are too busy scouring the interwebs looking for definitive proof of bigfoot to be bothered with all that.  I mean the odd things you never notice until you see through someone else's eyes.       
             1) Men are MUCH more sentimental then women.   I grew up with two brothers and a sister, so I always suspected this.   After watching Goo with his daughters, I am certain.  For years, he couldn't be in the same room when Feisty Pants got an iv.  He just couldn't watch her cry and get stuck And this a guy with a handful of tattoos.  He also will practically freak out when his girls cry.  Seriously. 
            2) Siblings do really have their own language.  FP has a hard time making her body obey her.  Talking is no exception.  She tends to use certain words for multiple uses. Words like thing, her, go, now all have multiple meanings.  If you are around her enough you start to understand. We call it learning to speak Feisty. But even now, Goo and I sometimes don't get it.  Hippie Pants ALWAYS gets it, always did.  I've seen FP get very angry because we did not understand the sentence "Go the thing with the thing"    HP walks in the house hears it once with any context, and hands FP the exact item she wanted.  Amazes me every time.    
            3)  Kids are truly weird.    I realize that on some level we are freaks.  Kids, however, raise quirky to an art.  HP chewed her nails, her toenails, until she was four.  And talked to the "elves in the woods".      FP wants to be a werewolf.   And is obsessed with documentaries.  It's not just my kids, either. Every parent has some crazy story.     I knew someone whose child decided he wanted to grow up to be a lion. (She did tell him he could be anything.)
           4) Much of being a parent consists of mind numbing drudgery. Diapers, dishes, pet messes, laundry and dealing with lots of tantrums and whining (and not just from the kids).  You don't get paid, never get a day off,  and no one respects how hard you work.  Funny enough- you won't mind.
           5) The bestest part of being a parent? Sometimes its fun.  All those amazing toys you had as a kid.  All those toys you wish they had when you were a kid.  Now, you get to play with them all over again.  And call it quality time and act like you're just doing it for the kids.  (You awesome parent, you!)
             I am curious.  What's the most interesting thing you've learned?

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