Thursday, March 27, 2014

Things that make you go Hmmm

               So, we have noticed something odd here in FeistyPantsland.   Since Feisty Pants has been home from the hospital, the new puppy, Cheweverything Pants, and she have been inseparable.  That's not unusual.  After all, human or canine, puppies love puppies.  The puppy insists on sleeping at FP's feet.  Again, not unusual.  She is even very gentle with Feisty Pants.  STILL not unusual.  What is unusual is that FP stops snoring the minute Cheweverything Pants climbs into her bed.   And breathes quietly all night.  As long as the puppy is with her.  THAT'S unusual.  There's no reason for that that we can think of.
                   Not that we mind, heck no.   Easier, more quiet breathing is AWESOME with a capital AWE.  There is simply no logical reason we could think of.   We even mentioned it to FP's pediatrician this morning at her follow up visit.  His answer- "There is no medical reason for that at all."   He scratched his head, literally.  He did surmise that maybe the puppy's presence was relaxing for Feisty Pants.  So that's as close to an answer as we have right now.  Although as he left, he looked at the resident he had with him and said, "Sometimes medicine has no logical answers for everything." 
                    But that's part of the miracle of pets, isn't it?  That for simply giving some room in your home and some room in your heart, you get paid back about a gazillion times over.  A bowl of kibble and a few pats on the head and in return you get better health, lower blood pressure, less loneliness, lessons on empathy and happiness and living in the moment.  Forget cathedrals or temples or saints or intelligent design, if there is an eloquent argument for the existence of a deity, it lies in the quiet heart of a contented dog nestled at your feet while you sleep.
                   So whatever mojo or non magical phenomenon is going on, we're kinda thrilled. It's a small victory, really.  But anything that makes anything better for Feisty Pants is amazing and very welcome around here.  And if it's something Cheweverything Pants is doing by accident or design, well done Alfie.  (Who's the bestest puppy, ever??? )  Not frigging bad for someone nine weeks old who is still scared of heaters, large leaves, the dark and going down stairs.  If we can just lick house breaking, we are all set.
                 And thank you, Feisty Pants' aunt and uncle.  You simply wanted to get her a great birthday gift.  Everyone remembers their first puppy.  But Feisty Pants' energy and ability to do things is always connected to how well she is breathing at the moment.  You may have done so much more than you know.

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