Whew... we have a had a seriously busy week. Some weeks feel like you've had to steal every base. So I am behind on my blog posts.
Sorry about that. (I am sure you were just waiting breathlessly for this. It
must be the highlight of everyone's existence. Why are you rolling your
eyes???) We had appointments every day this week. From the typical (if it's
Monday, it must be ot/massage) to the awful (Her dentist is lovely man, but you
cannot really tell that by Feisty Pants' screaming during the whole
appointment.) to the "this only happens to a special needs parent" (one teacher
and four therapists sitting in my living room discussing astronaut training.)
But we made it through with only minor swearing and without having to cancel any
of them. (I want a medal for that trick.)
But FINALLY it's Saturday, and no appointments. (HA! Take
that Busyness!) So I'm gonna try to catch up on my housework and yoga and
emails and this blog (dammit) -if only because I need the mental discipline. And
if I get it, there is a lindor truffle bar with my (and only my) name on it.
And if I don't, after I finish swearing, I'll try to reboot and remember that
life, like yoga, is a practice of intention not perfection. And if I really get
my fanny in gear and finish early, there is this thing I have heard of called
umm what is it again? Oh yeah, SLEEP. Apparently what happens is, you lie down
and time passes. Then you get up and don't feel like smacking random people for
existing. I am not sure if it's real but I wanna check it out. Feisty Pants
says it's awesome.
I am hopeful, a few things are in my favor. Goo got to
bed on time so he's up now (by 6pm) so he can lend a hand so I can write and do
laundry and fold clothes. (He is NOT allowed near laundry. He shrinks things.)
There is a marathon of monster shows on, yay Jersey Devil and batsquatches and
black eyed kids for thrilling FP. And, she is not sick, so we are not stopping
everything every five minutes to suction her. Cross your fingers for me.
I do realize too, how lucky I am. We only have Feisty Pants to
be complicated. (I cannot even comprehend how parents of more than one feisty
one do it. They must have the strategic skills of Alexander the Great and the
finesse of ballet dancers.) I have add and caffeine- the Universe had better
grade me on a curve. But if you do end up with a special needs kid, it will get
crazy a lot. In ways that don't always show to the outside world. And, you
learn to adjust and roll with punches. You learn to reboot, wash whatever it is
out of your hair, grab another cup of coffee and get back to work.
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