So, I want to make this post be about all the people I need to
thank for all they have done while Feisty Pants was in the hospital. A little
belated I know, but better late than never. In my defense, it always knocks us
off our perch a bit when she is in patient. It seems to take us
forevvvvvvvvver to find our stride again. It's like stumbling when you are
trying to dance. Other people seem to trip or miss a step or two. I end up ass
over teakettle in the orchestra. But I digress...
So, thank you everyone at Lourdes Hospital, your diligence and
dedication are beyond compare. We always bring our beautiful, vulnerable child
to you first, and we are never disappointed. Everyone, from the doctors and
nurse to respiratory therapists and X-ray techs to phlebotomists to kitchen
staff and housekeeping , everyone is professional and kind. Not everyone deals
with kids well, but even when Feisty Pants is screaming and swinging (or even
dropping a f-bomb) not one of you ever bats an eye or even say a cross word.
That takes a lot of patience. Thank you.
And thank you, friends and family, for rides to and from the
hospital. It's hard enough to tag team parent in shifts at home. It's nigh on
impossible to walk an hour each way (we have no car) and still get anything
done. People like you rarely get the recognition they deserve, so, THANK YOU.
It was kind and amazing and awesome. You all kept saying it wasn't a big deal.
Yes, yes it was. You are big souls for helping.
Hippie Pants, you didn't feel good all week and a new puppy
while fun, is a heck of a lot of work. Yet you dropped everything and shlepped
you and Dinky Pants over here to clean up puddles and keep the puppy from
chewing up/peeing on everything. And you did it without bitching even though
you were tired and felt like hell yourself. Even when I was bitchy. Thank
Oh, and thank you all the various people who are a part of
Feisty Pants' regular routine. You all have to learn to keep on your toes
around FP because we cancel and shift your schedules around often with little or
no notice and yet you are always gracious about it. A special thank you to
those people we called two or three times and to those we forgot to call at all,
because we forgot where we were on our list of phone calls and tried to just
wing it. None of you called us on it. That was really nice of you.
Thank you to the woman who runs the Starbucks kiosk at the
hospital, too. You are always kind and extremely sweet and friendly, no matter
how cranky we are (or the bitchy person ahead of me in line is). That takes a
generous spirit to always be that sweet. If no else noticed, we did.
And to anyone else I am forgetting. Thank you. I've probably
left all sorts of people off this list. It's not on purpose. I just run out of
attention span sometimes. How about we all just pretend the oscar music started
playing and my mic cut off??
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