Well, it's been a bit of an eventful weekend. At least at the start, the microwave died in a horrible icky smelling way. (What on earth is in those things?!? It burned out and said goodbye via a horrible rotting burning tire odor. Honestly, I didn't know whether it was broken or possessed by demons.) Feisty Pants' allergies finally did catch up with her and now she is on antibiotics. Not a huge deal but she had a sinus headache and literally cried for eight hours straight. Then in the wee hours of Friday morning, Goo went to hook up Feisty Pants for a feeding and found her g-tube had fallen out and was broken. Which means an ER trip. At 1 am. Where the on call doctor did NOT really know how to replace one in real life -just kinda on paper. I am not sure if he appreciated Goo's slightly sarcastic tone as he explained it, either. (But the intern sure seemed to like it.) And then, we sent FP into school, feeling like Mommy and Daddy Dearest, because the orthotocist is supposed to be getting her new knee immobilizers and he only goes to her school on Fridays. She didn't even get them. sigh.....
I realize I'm basically whining here. Nothing insurmountable or truly awful has happened. My daughter is home and basically fine, if very whiny from the heat and her headache. The microwave has been replaced and no one had to die of cold coffee or from being forced to cook at the stove (the horrors!). Cheweverything Pants hasn't even demolished anything new this week. We even managed to get some things done around here. I should call it a win. But is seems like it's been a long hard struggle to get everything done. And it has all been accomplished to soundtrack of a very bitchy whiny nonstop complaint as only a preteen girl can do in her best dolphin speech. (Good or bad, anything that agitates/excites a preteen girl makes them instantly revert to their former life as a really loud dolphin.) Goo, the dear oh so foolish adult male that he is, thinks that talking logically to her will somehow help. Really, he should know better, this is daughter number two. He's just throwing gasoline on that fire. If he tells her to "calm down" we will all have to beat him to death with sticks. For his own good of course.
Nothing to do really, but batten down the hatches and wait for the storm to pass. The tylenol will kick in and lessen the little one's headache. Eventually, she will whine herself to sleep. Then, hopefully, the tylenol will lessen my headache.I cannot just throw choclate at her but noting says I can't lob some in my own direction. A few days and this will all pass. Probably just in time for the antibiotics to really do a number on her tummy and upset the other end of the apple cart.
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