Thursday, July 24, 2014

Guilt Trip

         So, today I am the worstest,most borrring mom EVER.  Just ask Feisty Pants, she will happily tell you how her father and I are abusing her with boredom today.  We suck.  We are terrible, awful, no good, miserable monsters masquerading as pathetic excuses for parents in particular, and human beings in general.  We have ruined her life forever.   We kept her home on the bestest, most awesomest field trip of the year and we shall surely rot in the fires of perdition for it. We did not let her go to the fair.
           She goes every year. Her whole class goes. Her whole school goes.  The whole world goes today.  And we made her stay home.  Why?  Because we are evil that's why.  Her class made matching tie dye t-shirts to wear today.  She was gonna get to ride a pony.  There would be cotton candy and smelly chickens.  There would be rides.  But she is missing alllll of that just because we are obviously mean.  Forget the fact that she cannot get on any of the rides.  Forget the fact that actually gets bored by noon and complains the rest of the day.  Forget the fact that the sawdust and fried foods and random animals seem to set off her asthma. If it's hot, she comes home with a headache.  Especially pay no attention to the fact that Feisty Pants has been antibiotics for 8 days now and is having what I shall euphemistically call digestive issues (because "Dear God, what is that coming out of her now?!?" seems melodramatic).  We are simply keeping her home to day to ruin her life because we are miserable and want her to be sad too.  Just ask her.  She will tell you.
           Actually, she is not quite that bad.  She has refused to get dressed today.  ("No go? No clothes!")  She did tell me to "Get outta da way! and "chhhhhh" (she cannot say shh) every time I got near the tv.  We did try to explain this morning and apologize.  When we asked if she understood why, she nodded and said, "Uh-huh, you're EBIL (evil)" but no one got kicked so I'll call it a fair trade. I really do feel bad.  It always seems to happen this way.  There is always some event she is missing out on because she gets sick at the last minute or (like in this instance) the cure has become as bad the illness itself.    If she's smart, she will try to leverage this guilt trip into a real trip like a day at the local splash pad or a shopping excursion.  Just don't tell her I said so, she is tough enough negotiator without any encouragement.


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