Okies, so this post is about home remedies for all the assorted booboos and happenings that seem to come with all your summer fun. It is, btw, NEVER meant to replace real actual medical attention. If you think you need that, please go straight to your nearest doctor's office, walk-in clinic or ER. Broken bones, sunstroke, asthma attacks, or various accidental deaths really put a damper on holiday in the sun plans. Don't muck about with them. But for the simple and minor things, maybe these remedies can lower the misery factor and let everyone get back to the fun.
1)Banged your toe, hammered your thumb, minor bumps or bruises?- Ice and ibuprofen are your new best friends. Apply an ice pack (fifteen minutes at a time, three times a day)and take some ibuprofen (not aspirin). If the swelling gets bad, by all means, see someone with real medical expertise. Bump was to someone's head? Give the doc a call to see if it needs to be checked out.
2)Bee or wasp sting? -If allergic, like Hippie Pants, get your soon to be wheezy butt straight to the ER. If not, carefully remove stinger with tweezer or credit card (they work really well at scraping out a stinger.) Apply ice and a paste made of crushed aspirin and water. Personally, I also find a popsicle cheers up little ones immensely after a bee sting. I think the cold sensation takes their mind off the sting.
3)Overdid the yardwork,or horseshoes or general play?- rest, rest, rest, ice if you pulled a muscle and any painkiller. This a great excuse for loafing. Hang out in the yard with kids, read a book together and call it quality parenting.:)
4)Poison Ivy?- relax it's not catching or spreading ONCE you wash the oils from the affected area, especially your hands. Wash with soap and water, apply calamine lotion, and take a benedryl or other otc antihistamine.
So there you go. Remember to stay hydrated and use common sense. Hope your summer is relatively stress and booboo free.
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