Just some collected bits of wisdom from Feisty Pants over the years. I
thought perhaps I would list some so that we can all benefit from the little quirky
Zen master.
-English boys are cute because they're English.
- If you meet Bigfoot and he smells, don't tell him because
it might hurt his feelings and then he will go away.
- Hug your Goo when he smells good. (Goo is her word for
-Art is IMPORTANT. (this is ALWAYS said while stomping foot
for emphasis)
-It's not Sleepy Hollow, it's Spooky Hollow cause there
ain't nothing "sleepy" about it.
-Everything should smell like fall. Unless it's Christmas,
then it should smell like Grandma's.
-Don't wash off glitter, that wastes it.
-Dogs are nicer people than people.
-Don't mess with Derr Who(dr. who)- he has a
-Football players run better with nice hair.
-Maybe all the grumpy people DO need to eat a snickers.
-Spooky things are awesome because you can cuddle on the
couch when its spooky and then it's all cozy.
-Skulls are awesome cause they are spooky and friendly.
(when asked how- she pointed and said, "See? They smile")
-Sometimes you do have go to bed and think about
-Fish are kind.
-EVERYTHING tastes better with chocolate chips on
-If you meet a ghost say "hi". Then run.
- If you're not going anywhere then you don't have to wear
pants. Unless it's cold, then wear pj pants.
-You can't be sad when a fat puppy wiggles.
-If you are really sad, you gotta sing the worm song.
So there you have it. The great secrets of life from a ten year old. You're welcome.
I like this guru! I especially like the quote about art, with the stamping foot as the exclamation point. I may have an "in" with her...I think I better get an autograph!
ReplyDeleteroflmao...She really does stomp her foot everytme she mentions art. I asked why- and "the art is IMPORTANT" was her response.