Tuesday, March 6, 2018

It's a New Month, Same as the Old Month

      So, it's new month.  Time for a new rant.   Or more to the point, a new take on an old rant. I am FRIGGING still trying to get Feisty Pants a new wheelchair.   This is now officially bullshit. It's been since July of last year. I have LITERALLY made a human being in that exact time span.   TWICE.   It's driving me crazy.  Allow me to explain.
       Last summer, Feisty Pants became Robokid and had her spine rebuilt.  (Seriously, total spinal fusion -neck to pelvis.) It was long and necessary and I wrote about it ad nauseum.  Ever since then. JULY. Freaking July. Her wheelchair has not worked for her since. Her surgeon wrote orders for a new one.  Which her insurance WILL pay for. BUT. Freaking but.   Insurance regulations state that I have to have a VENDOR order it.   I cannot find a vendor to put the order in to her insurance company.   I fired the first vendor over it. I have now been waiting since OCTOBER for the second.  That one has not submitted either. This makes me crazy. It's, frankly, medical child abuse. The surgeon tells me that it is illegal for someone to ignore a written doctor's order.  (I wish I knew who turn them into. I would do so in a heartbeat.)  The insurance says they cannot do anything until any claim is submitted.  And the vendors ignore me.  Or claim they need some paperwork I know they already have. (Some of it I have sent three times)
        If these companies do not want my business, why don't they just refuse it?   Say no. I will move along to someone who does want the money. Trust me, I sure as hell do want/need them to do me any favors. And taking the job without finishing it makes them no money and just wastes both our time.   They seem to have no axe to grind.
       So, what the hell gives?  Why on earth do this?   Why this passive aggressive intentional withholding of much needed equipment for my kid???   The point of insurance regulations about vendors is SUPPOSEDLY so the companies that make the equipment cannot sell to patients who don't really need the equipment. I no longer believe it. I suspect it's this way to intentionally deprive patients of equipment on the part of the insurance companies. I suspect collusion between the insurance and the vendors. The vendors know-  OR ARE TOLD- to hold off and delay.  Those who don't find their bids get denied and learn to "play the game". Otherwise, this makes no sense.  There would be no reason to make customers unhappy. 
         And don't even get me started on the whole abusive, gaslighting nonsense about how customers get "demanding".  I truly would love to be a live and let live kinda mom.   I don't care if you have more or do more or status or any of those things.   But when I don't demand and yell, you don't get off your ass and DO. YOUR. JOB. and then MY. KID. SUFFERS.    And then I am angry that I have to yell and demand.  So, do me solid.  Take the money. Get off your freaking butt and DO. YOUR. JOB.  It is the only way I am going away.  If I have to be stressed and miserable, I'm only gonna take you with me.  Just saying.

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