Thursday, February 8, 2018

Time Out Redux

            So we had a snow day here yesterday.  We were supposed to be Syracuse having botox injections but the Universe thought better of that.   It gave us a much nicer time out than the last one in the form of about eight inches of lovely, lovely, motherflipping lovely snow.  Considering that the hospitals in my neck of the woods are full of flu and Feisty Pants hates the whole idea anyway, I am not too disappointed. 
            I woke to sound of Feisty Pants laughing and realizing she was not going for any stupid procedure. So I threw a bunch of veggies and chicken in the crockpot and called it soup.  Goo got a much needed seven hours of sleep (In a row!) and woke to find our sidewalk magically clear. (I have the most wonderful neighbors on the planet.) It snowed probably about eightish inches. Enough to just royally cheer me up  and make the world beautiful. (insert contented sigh here)  Now THIS is what I call a time out.
            In case you are also having a lovely time out too, Feisty Pants and I humbly offer the following suggestions to while away a snowy day.
!) Bored? Got CP or other disability that makes sledding not always doable?  No problem- teach yourself to work the tv remote with your toes and randomly turn OFF the cable box when your Goo is not looking. This is good for at least an hour of giggles while he tries to trouble shoot non-existent cable problems.
2) When that ceases to amuse you,complain bitterly of being cold and insist on using Goo's heated throw.  Then in 60 seconds flat, complain of the heat and insist on its removal. When Goo goes to put it away yell that you're cold. Keep this up until Goo declares defeat and then tell him you never wanted it in the first place. While laughing.
3) Ask your sister to come over and paint your toes.   Then refuse to decide what color you want.  Then, just when she is about to appear, change your mind and tell her not to come over.  Tell her it's not because you cannot make up your mind, but because she is smelly.
4) Just when you have charmed everyone with your oh so mischievous ways, cuddle up beside them, look fetchingly adorable and fall asleep.    
             And there you have it.   How to entertain yourself when you're bored and need to start some s#*t, umm err, entertain yourself on a snowy day.

PS- If that doesn't do it for you, here's a quick recipe for snow ice cream. (the breakfast of snowy champions everywhere)
You will need:
1 can sweetened condensed milk
1 1/2 tsp vanilla
Approx. one gallon fresh clean snow

Mix condensed milk and vanilla.  Stir in snow until you hit the desired consistency

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