Soooooooo..... here we sit in a radiology ward. A simple procedure
really. Just an MRI of Feisty Pants' spine, the big hurdle before her
upcoming scoliosis surgery. It unfortunately must be done under under anesthesia
(Feisty Pants will simply not be still for one) so this meant a slog down to
Philadelphia to get it done (most places will simply not put her under ).
Honestly, this should not be a big deal. We managed to get a room at the
Ronald McDonald House. We came down yesterday. This should be going
swimmingly. But Feisty Pants and the universe seem to be laughing in the face
of simple this week.
First, there was the rush back from the highway because we
forgot her food. (For the uninitiated, FP is on a high calorie peptide based
formula fed via g-tube.) Then a five hour drive. Then she decided that after a
million tests and procedures that THIS one is the one she needs to be anxious
about, so she didn't sleep last night. So, none of us slept. Now we are
sitting in a radiology ward, where it's all hurry up and wait. So, she is lying
here on a gurney, getting more antsy and passing the time by kicking me. You
know, like you do.
Annnnnnd, now we are back in a second room. Feisty Pants, who
hasn't been fed since 8 pm yesterday, is now hangry and done with us all. We
are supposedly just waiting for sedation. Then they will take her back and
decide where we will sit for the hour the procedure takes and the hour or so for
recovery. Hopefully before FP kicks a hole in the wall or totally bruises her
knee attempting to kick said hole in the wall.
Man oh man. Days like this are hard and long. And it's not
even a scary ride today. This is a simple procedure with a complicated kid. But
we are sleep deprived and hangry and shuttled around a rabbit warren of back
alleys and corridors. In about five minutes I'm gonna start kicking the wall
and singing the blues too.
Two hours after that... We thought we were done when a nurse and dentist came out. But nooooo, seems they accidentally chipped her tooth when intubating her for the sedation. So now they will re-repair it (what they chipped was a repair done on an earlier accident.) and then up to ICU for the night. I am beginning to think the surgery will be easier than the testing. We are in a good place. They are taking good care of her. Feisty Pants is not sick at all. So why do I feel as if this week just keeps getting longer and longer?
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