Tuesday, April 25, 2017

It's that magical time of year again

                     So, it's that magical time of year again.   No, not spring when all the stray cats thoughts turn to love and caterwauling on my porch and back fence, although it is that too.  No, not allergy season when the pollen falls like rain and a person's thoughts turn to sneezes and wheezes and itchy eyes, although it is that too.   No not even baseball season, where America's pastime has been gentrified beyond all common sense and fair play, although it is that too.  NO. it is IEP season, when teachers and therapists drown in paperwork and school administrators and parents gird their loins for the civilized adult version of the fight on the playground. 
                   For the uninitiated, IEP stands for Individualized Education Plan.  It is a contract that spells out goals and services that will be provided for a special needs student.  It is also a legal contract bound by various laws and regulations, so it is  (and should be ) taken very seriously.  Once a year, usually in spring from what I have seen, a meeting is held with all the teachers, administrators, therapists, parents, etc. to hash it out for the upcoming school year.  We are lucky in that we have found a good placement for Feisty Pants, so our meetings usually go rather swimmingly. ( I only swore ONCE this time!)  Plus I'm exactly the kind of pain in the ass parent who is fine with smiling whilst I nag the living hell out of everybody until we get a good IEP nailed down on paper.  But even when it goes well, it can be very stressful.  
                    So, to that end, here are a few sites (There are many- if these ones don't help just ask google until you find a site you like.) that have good IEP tips.   Hope your meetings are successful, not stressful.
1) Wrightslaw- wrightslaw.com
             I love this site.  Great tips for advocacy for your special needs kid.  Even great tips on conflict resolution.   (Check out "Playing 20 Questions with the Devil".)
2) Great Schools- Tips for a successful IEP meeting- Greatschools.org
              I like these tips.  They are pretty good for any stressful paperwork session.
3)Special Education Advisor- 'tis the season- Specialeducationadvisor.com
               Another good list of tips, especially for the perpetually disorganized such as I.

4)Wonder Baby's printable IEP organizer- Printable IEP Organizer
              Whaaaat?  A free printable organizer?  YES!!

PS- One last tip- Bring along a coffee.   It gives you something to do with your hands.  The caffeine helps keep you focused.  Also gives you a reason to stop and pause in case you want to think or not swear.                       

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