Monday, February 23, 2015

Something else for a change.

              Well, we have had a heck of a week.  We thought it was going to be a blissfully boring week off from school.  It turned into the flu,  an asthma attack and, SIGH, yet another hospital stay.  So perhaps to stave off the bad karma of whining about a lack of sleep and tv and good coffee, and an excess of cabs and work; I should spend a few minutes simply being grateful.
              So to that end, thanks Universe. Thank you for letting us live near a good hospital so we didn't have travel for hours to get Feisty Pants medical help. Thank you that we did not have to call an ambulance.  Thank you also for not having us shipped to Timbuktu.  It's hard enough when she is across town, let alone across the state.  Thanks for having a genius respiratory therapist working when did show up at the ER in the wee hours of the morning.  His expertise and dedication is the sole reason we were able to stay here and not be shipped out as if Feisty Pants was the medical equivalent of a hot potato. (Thanks Bill!)  Thanks Lourdes Women's and Children's ward for putting up with all our annoying requests and endless sucking down of your coffee and most of all for your excellent care of our youngest child.
             Thank you, Feisty Pants, for being cool and awesome even though you don't feel well and we are totally getting on your last nerve.   And for trying really hard to find a way to communicate with the doctors and nurses.  And especially thank you for not slugging anyone too often even though we often literally a pain to you.
              Huh, whaddya know?  I do feel better. And as I type this, FP is sleeping semi peacefully.  There really is some magic in gratitude. So I will end before I can start to whine again. Thank you all for reading this.

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