Sunday, June 8, 2014


            Well now, we have had a slightly interesting morning.   Feisty Pants had some tummy issues this week which ended up causing her to miss two and a half days from school.  But she is good now, thanksforasking, and back up and raring to go.  However,  a couple or million days of worrying about her leaves her parents, well, a tad edgy.  So, when her father started banging on the living room wall and yelling about how we had to take her to the hospital RIGHT NOW,  I was instantly awake and in full adrenaline mode.   At 6 effing AM on a Sunday. Only to find out he was overeacting. 
            You see her g-tube had fallen out. (That's the tube that goes directly into her stomach through which she is fed.) Goo went to give her her morning meds and found it lying in her bed next to her.  Well, half of it .  And got a little panicky thinking the rest of it must be in her tummy.   Did I mention Goo is 6' 3" and built like a middle aged linebacker?  (Seriously, think Dan to my Rosanne.)   So when he starts yelling and pounding to get your attention, it's like a blitzkrieg.  Especially at 6 effing am on a quiet Sunday morning.  In his defense, this is a man who has done cpr on his youngest daughter at least six times.  That's at least six more times than any human being should ever have to do. In my defense, when he starts yelling and waking me, I panic a bit too.  And I'm panicking whilst doing special needs child health care physics in my head.  ("The hospital we prefer does NOT usually stock her size g-tube so we go the other hospital but what if they want to keep her so we go to hospital number one but what if they want to ship her out in case this means abdominal surgery but insurance is a pain so where would they ship right now oh god does this mean new york city I'll sue if it they try to ship her where I won't go. Do we take the stroller or the wheelchair? Where's our med list for her?  Where the hell are my clean pants?etc. etc. etc.")
             But, thank the stars above for whatever celestial being is tasked with dealing with folks like us, because in he midst of all this two things struck me.  One, I have a clean unused g-tube in the house.  Don't even ask how I managed to scrounge that one.  (It involves a hospital stay and lack of feeding adapters which just so happen come with a new tube.)  And we both thought to look for the rest of the old tube.  Which we found.  In her bed in pieces.  With little puppy teeth marks all over it.   It had fallen out and been found first by some other member of the family.  So pop the new tube in... (That takes all of about a minute) Crisis averted.  Gather our wits.  Catch our breath.  But now it's 7 am on a Sunday and I am oh so effing wide awake.
             So, what I really want to know is this.  In this sit-com of endless wonder that seems to be the universe, when did we get picked for the wacky neighbors role?

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