Since I appear to be on a bitchy roll here, I want to discuss
something that has been making me effing crazy ever since Feisty Pants started
regular (irregular?) school. I mean that as opposed to pre-school. We did not
have this problem there. It has to do with society in general and the bus
WERE DAYCARE. Frigging seriously, just stop it. My child's education is
different in a thousand ways- big and small, but it still is her education and I
take it seriously.
What's going on, you see, is that the bus company plays fast and
loose with Feisty Pants' pick up time to leave school. They keep picking her
up BEFORE her day is actually over. And not just by a few minutes, either.
More like half an hour. And that is pissing me off to no end. They do for
two reasons. One, they are suffering from institutional thinking. They
probably think they are efficient and getting kids like mine home safely and
quickly without interfering with the schedule of the typical kids. Two, they
also feel its okay to mess with my kid's education because it really doesn't
matter, poor thing is probably tired. After all, she is disabled.
This is the part where I officially grow fangs and howl at the
moon. I don't give a rat's fanny how you want to do your job. You do not have
the right to short change any child's education so you can be done a little
quicker or more smoothly. This is their effing education. You serve these
children and get paid for it. YOU compromise, not them. And, secondly, even
more importantly, HOW DARE YOU assume my child can just miss almost half a day a
week because you damn well feel like it? That's how much it amounts to. Thirty
minutes a day times five days a week. That's 2 and 1/2 hours week. Four weeks
a month. Ten months a year. I'm not even counting the summer session. (FP goes
year round to school. But the summer session is much more laid back. So I'll be
generous.) That's about 100 hours of school she is missing because you think
her education doesn't matter. At six hours per day that's about SIXTEEN AND ONE
HALF DAYS A YEAR that you are stealing from her education. You don't have that
right. You especially don't the right to steal that from a disabled
I have bitched and bitched. Everyone very politely blows
smoke up my butt but nothing is changing. So now, I am done howling. Now you
see my fangs. The bus company (mistakenly) thinks it is protected by its point
of service contract against any legal repercussions. Although, I would argue
that by violating my daughter's constitutional right to an education they have
unclean hands and therefore should NOT be protected by any contract, especially
one I did not ever sign. But whether it's the bus company or my local district
who would pay is irrelevant. If this does not stop., I am going to ask that you
give my child back the hundred hours a year (times every year she has been in
your school district) by simply paying for a private tutor to come to my house
and teach her. There is a LOT of precedent lately for courts ordering this kind
of reparation. I want my daughter to have a complete independent life where she
takes care of herself, and has a job, and pays taxes, and annoys her fellow
citizens by being bitchy and outspoken. Education is the key and she has a
legal right to it. Which do you think will be cheaper for you, dear school
administrators, by making your bus company do the right thing or by my making
the bus company and you do the right thing in court?
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