Well, we have survived seven days here in FeistyPantsLand so
far we have managed to keep her mostly occupied. Several walks, including one
good long one. She is having fun deciding on how she wants to color eggs this
year. Her and her sister will debate forever and then do it the same way they
always do. I think the debate is part of the fun. No bike rides yet- we simply
haven't found the time to wash it and adjust the seat and pedals and belts and
pads. (Adaptive bikes have a lot to be adjusted on them) And so far only one
incidence of violence. To be fair, Goo should know better than to mess with Dr.
Who time even if he was only accessing the on screen tv guide. Fangirls have
their priorities, you know. Besides his shins will survive. Feisty Pants can't
kick that hard anyway. And I'm happy to see her aim is improving.
And it has been almost a week. Feisty Pants officially hit
bored to the point of mischief only thia afternoon. Almost seven whole days
with only one complete thwarting of a machine. Today's flavor of rebellion and
resistance? Sticky. She managed to unhook the food pump from her adapter and
escape her feeder seat all in one swift coup de gras. A personal favorite
activity of hers. Her new cohort, Cheweverything Pants, even managed an assist
by tracking through the mess and leaving sticky formula paw prints everywhere.
Nice to see some teamwork around here.
I would have liked to managed a post earlier than this. It's
been since last Wednesday. Surely you must be in withdrawal from the lack of my
oh so eloquent wisdom. (Yes, I did type that with a straight face. Why do you
ask?) But the computer is giving us conniptions and we've all been stuck
(shudder) interacting with each other. However, I am hopeful we've got that
worked out, for the most part, and we can get back to the twenty first
Other than that, we are blissfully boring. No one is ill.
The only truly crazy thing is the weather. So we have time to argue over Easter
dessert and plan on our fancy schmancy egg designs. (All the crayon art a hard
boiled egg can hold.) May your Easter week be just a happy and
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