Well, now. As I sit here typing, Goo (the hubby) is in the ER. He had a doctor's
appt this morning and they sent him over. Sigh. I suppose that's what I get
for bragging about my normalish Christmas. I don't think it's horrendously
serious, but it's awful enough to need an ER. And it's bad that I can't go to
know. We literally do everything in shifts. Not knowing is the worst. Besides
being nervous for him (He's at that age where acting like you don't need to take
care of yourself begins to have consequences.), now I worry who will stay up
with Feisty Pants if he cannot. And I feel bad that I don't just feel worried
for him, but for all of us. I never know really, whether that makes me
practical or just selfish.
I do know, however that it makes me angry and frustrated. The
man is a grown man and yet if I didn't nag him, he would live on reeses cups,
bacon and coffee. And he laughs at the idea of doing yoga or going for walks
with me. In case, men, you ever wonder we seem so pissed all the time, it's
because you have the luxury of acting like frigging teenagers while the women
make your doctor appt's and pick up the pieces when you are in the ER. And
then, when you get together with other husbands and boyfriends, you find it
funny to laugh about our attempts to get you to be healthier. You make jokes about
bacon being health food or exercise being for girls. Or complain about women
being controlling because we want you to act like adults. Or even worse,
complain we are cold and insensitive when we don't seem very sympathetic to
your aches and pains when you don't take care of yourself in the first place. A
question, husbands of the world, would have sympathy for an alcoholic who is
complaining about his hangover? Or, more to the point, would you sympathize
with the guy who complains about his car repair bills when he REFUSED to
ever change the oil in his car? Your actions don't just affect you, you know.
If the car blows up because you did not care for it, we are walking too. And so
are your children. If you drop dead of a heart attack or stroke because you were
too much of a "man" to have "time for that crap", then we are the ones burying
your spoiled butts and picking up the pieces of your kids' shattered lives. For
about the millionth time, being a grown up does not mean you can do whatever the
hell you want, about no one having the right to tell you what to do. It's
about no one ever needing to have to tell you what to do because you are already
doing the right thing. Being an adult is all about integrity. Not age, not
power, not money. Integrity.
Moreover, taking care of your health isn't neurotic or girly
or weak, it's about making sure you are in this world for the long haul. It's
about being there for your wives/girlfriends/boyfriends/husbands and families
and kids. It's about not dropping out halfway through by dropping dead. It's
about showing us that you know commitment really is a two way street. By caring
for you, you are caring for us. The same thing we are trying to do when we make
your doctor appointments and nag you about your diet and bug you about exercise.
We are just trying to make sure WE are all in it for the long haul.
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