Tuesday, June 4, 2019

My Apologies

              Sigh, so Feisty Pants is having botox shots tomorrow. For the uninitiated, botox is not just about making starlets and trophy wives look like unemotional Vulcans.   It is actually a godsend for those with migraines or spasticity issues like Feisty Pants.   FP actually gets two kinds of botox treatments, one set of shots for her salivary glands (to dry her mouth and control secretions) and one set of shots for the general spasticity in her arms, hands, and legs.   Botox is a very important tool in our arsenal of things to keep Feisty Pants on the straight and narrow, health wise.
              And since they are two sets of shots by two different specialists, we have to stagger having them done.  CAREFULLY stagger, since we don't really want her to go with out the botox in her system doing its job AND you cannot get too much botox all at once. (When she was younger it was done all at once. I am unsure of the reasoning behind the change other than we lost the genius doctor who could do so. Insurance companies can all suck my  #$@%. Vampiric b@#A$%s making money off of the pain and suffering of others.  There is a special place in hell for anyone who sees a human being who is ill or injured and thinks, "Oh Boy!  I can make some effing money there, yessirree!  They'll pay through the nose. " Effing soulless leeches.   Ummmm, what were talking about? oh, right.)
              Anywhooo, the darn botox is very important so usually I am right on top these appointments.   Which we have about every three months.  First, the ENT for salivary shots.  Three months later, the physiatrist for extremities done under anesthesia.  Three months after that the ENT again. Repeat ad infinitum. It's just one of our rhythms of having a feisty one in our lives.  So how the eff did I forget to schedule the clearance for anesthesia appointment with her primary doc?   Thank heavens, the doc (or his office staff, at least) is very accommodating to us and is graciously squeezing us in for the appointment.  And thank heavens, for the secretary of the physiatrist for noticing we had not sent the paperwork and nicely calling to ask. And thank heavens for whoever invented the fax machine so we can just have the paperwork sent and it will get there in time.
              So my apologies to the massage therapist, who I cancelled at the last minute because I am, occasionally, an idiot.   And my apologies to Feisty Pants' nurse, Hotpants, who probably had plans with FP this afternoon and I just commandeered her services for the afternoon rather than wake Goo. And definitely my apologies to new guy Zack, at the doctor's office who had the misfortune of answering the phone to a half crazed parent going, "listen, this is what you're gonna do for me.." because when it comes to Feisty Pants I have no scruples or tact.  Or phone manners, if I'm being honest.
              If it helps any of you guys, I will be paying for my zeal tomorrow at 4:30 am when I crawl my tired, crabby ass outta bed to drive two hours to the appointment for the shots.  You know what they say. Sometimes, if you're really good, Karma lets you watch.

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