Happy happy Nerdoween! The weather has finally turned
chilly. My roof is finally done. (I am literally and metaphorically grateful
for the roof over my head.) The Feistymobile seems to be chugging along
nicely. Best of all, next Sunday we turn the clocks back to where they belong
(HOLLA-LUJAH!) and I may just get an extra hour of sleep.
Now all we gotta do is get those
pumpkins carved and finish everybody's costumes in time for tomorrow. Fiesty
Pants is simple. She is all done thanks to the generosity of Auntie Awesome
Pants (thank you!!!) who sent her a unicorn kigarumi over the summer. I expect
it will become Feisty Pant's pjs, costume, formalwear, and uniform for all
occasions this winter. (It's warm, it's soft, it's a pretty blue, and it has a
built in horn.) As for everyone else, well now's the time for the last minute
nerdoween frenzies. (Cue screams and maniacal laughter and rolls of
So if you're also always a day late and a
dollar short like us, here are some last minute links to help you escape the twin
beasts of procrastination and disorganization. Good luck and
Pumpkin Stencils:
PumpkinPile 2017 Hundreds of stencils here
Society 19 Adorable Pumpkin Carvings Cute and unusual
Make Use Of- creative pumpkin stencils Some more intricate ones here
Last minute Costumes:
Think inside the Box- Eight cardboard box costumes
HGTV Easy White T-shirt Costumes We all can scrounge up a white t-shirt
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