Saturday, May 6, 2017

Calling All Caregivers!!

               In light of this week's disastrous new inhumane low from our supposed  leaders, I have to decided to do something other than (in addition to?) merely swearing and bursting into flames. Health care is an absolute human right, especially for the disabled and elderly.   I know of an amazing organization called Caring Across Generations (link below).  They work to advocate for families caring for elderly parents and disabled relatives. (They have also partnered with groups advocating for better conditions for paid caregivers in our homes with the novel idea of maybe treating care givers better makes for better care and thus allows the elderly and disabled to live at home and in our communities.   Shocking, right?)
               To that end, they have asked yours truly if I would mind trying to collect a few stories to help educate law makers and policy makers on what we, the families and caregivers, truly need.  This way they will be better able to advocate for us and our loved ones who need care. So, if you have a few minutes, and are willing to answer a few questions, please answer the following questions for me. 
               Simply copy and paste the questions into an email .  When you have answered, send them along to me at I will pass them along to Caring Across Generations.  If you would be willing to give them your contact info, in case they know of any media who wish to follow up, even better!  The powers that be need to hear our voices.  They need to see our stories.  Together we will make this better place for all the feisty ones (young or just young at heart) and their tired fams out there.  If this doesn't apply to you, dear reader, but you know someone to whom it does, please nag them mercilessly, um er I mean, please pass this along.  The more voices, the better. 
              So, here are my nosy questions:
1)Who do care for, why, and for how long have you been a caregiver?
2)What joys do you experience from this?
3)What are some of your biggest challenges?
4)Is it difficult for you and your family to find the type of care needed?
5) How difficult was it to navigate the care system?
6)What do you know now that you wish you knew when you began this journey?
7)How has your experience of care giving changed the person you are now?
8) What do you wish society at large understood about your situation?
9) What one thing could be done to help you in your caregiving?
As promised, the link to Caring Across Generations:

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