Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Same old, same old

               So, Feisty Pants is hospitalized again.  Which means I have a legitimate excuse, umm er,  i mean real reason for slacking off, um er, I mean neglecting the blog because I have been so busy.  Really.  I promise.  
              It started out as not such a big deal, a simple tummy bug.  But she couldn't keep anything down, including her meds so off we shlepped to the er. We expected everything to go rather swiftly, get an anti-emetic, go home to ride it out.  That was a week ago and we are on hospital number two right now
               Hospital number one had an idiot, um er, I mean overly cautious doctor who decided she was in respiratory distress and needed to be transferred to effing Timbuktu.  In a snowstorm. Seriously.  The first ambulance wrecked on the way to pick up feisty pants and we had to wait for a second one.  We almost wrecked at least three times on the way here.   I am curious as to why she was considered such a medical risk that it was ok to risk that ride, but during the 12 hours we were at the first hospital we saw no respiratory therapist and she received no breathing treatments or medications other than an antibiotic.   Call me silly but if you're gonna diagnose her with breathing problems shouldn't you also TREAT said breathing issue?  
                 Anywhoo, that's going to be an interesting conversation for when we get back home and talk to her pediatrician. For now, feisty pants is definitely on the mend.  The hospital life has become routine again.  We were lucky and got a room at the local Ronald McDonald House, so other than the forced isolation that being away from kith and kin brings (I am so bored at night that I practically talk to myself), I guess we are just waiting this one out.

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