Tuesday, November 29, 2016

French Fries

          Soooo, here I sit in one of the Ronald  MacDonald Houses of Philadelphia.  There are four in the greater Philly area.  We have stayed in three so far.   They are truly a hallmark of civilized society.  Being sent to a far away hospital is never fun, even when it's merely for testing like this. It is an amazing comfort to find a real bed in a quiet, safe place after a chaotic, stress filled hospital day. Every time I think Micky D's  is an awful fat filled institution, I remember the RM Houses and stick a damn french fry in my mouth and shut my fry hole. Anytime you want to feel truly noble, donate your time or even some money to a such a place. Even if you never hear it,  I guarantee some tired, stressed out family will be singing your praises.
          Goo and I brought Feisty Pants down to St Christopher's to see a pulmonologist and get pulmonary clearance for her upcoming scoliosis surgery. (We have several clearance hurdles to cross.) Getting said clearance involves getting a sleep study done.  We have been down this road three times before.  It's a twelve hour test. We are lucky if we make to hour eight because Feisty Pants is called Feisty Pants for a reason. She is very. well, feisty .  She usually spends her time during a sleep study by continually ripping off all  the leads and throwing them at us.  While proclaiming to all and sundry how much she disapproves of sleep studies.   I did the last three.  This time it's Goo's turn.  (They usually only let one parent stay for the test.)  So here I sit by myself in RMH.  It's weird to be myself, ever.   Goo suspects I am partying it up, reveling in the aloneness.  In truth, I find myself  at a loose end and bored with my own company.  If I were at home, I could clean and finish my gazillion emails, or at least play with the dog and pretend to clean, but here I guess I will write a few posts and, I hope, catch up on my sleep. But the enforced idleness makes me a bit anxious.  In truth, I spend so much time being Feisty Pants' mom first and foremost, that I don't really know how to deal with myself when I am not.

Sent via the Samsung GALAXY S® 5, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

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