Around here, we adore Halloween. It really is the
perfect holiday. There are no obligatory gifts or enforced closeness. Don't
get me wrong, I actually like giving gifts and seeing my favorite characters at
the lunatic asylum, um er, I mean my family. I just don't relish being told I
have to. You can be as social, or not, as you like for Halloween. And we seem almost like a normal family. (Mwahaha) Plus the
Universe has seen fit to go ahead and do most of the decorating for you. The
leaves are beautiful. The air smells fantastic. There is the right amount
of spooky chilliness in the air. Plus, chocolate, duh. And pumpkins. And
cider. And every Halloween that Feisty Pants is not hospitalized is like
Christmas and my birthday, anyway. Then just when it cannot get any better,
throw in ghost stories and nerdy cosplay.
So, before Goo finds me passed out in the yard due to
sugar intoxication, wearing one knock off ugg boot and a chunky sweater I stole
from him and surrounded by empty psl cups from Starbucks, I figured FP and I
ought throw a few posts together about fun Halloween type crafts. Hopefully
I'll detox and be out of nerdoween rehab in time for the Christmas cookie
binge. In the meantime, have fun doing these crafts with your kiddos and
pretending you're only doing it to be a good parent and not because its
1) Handprint ghosts- you will need: Black paper, white paint, stick on
googly eyes.
Have the kids stick hands and/or feet in white paint and stamp onto black
paper. When dry, turn upside down (so toes or fingers are at bottom) and add
googly eyes. These are fun and adorable. You could even make a bunch and
clothespin to twine for a homemade spooky garland.
2) Pumpkin party favors- you will need: squares of orange tissue (or any
thin) paper, green florist or washi tape, candy such as m and m's, candy corn,
nuts, trail mix, etc.
Take a small(ish) square of orange paper (4 or 5 inches per side), place a
handful of candy in center, gather up the corners and twist into a small ball
with a stem. Wrap the tape around the top for a stem - this should hold it
together. You could even CAREFULLY draw a face on with a sharpie.
3) What would Halloween be without fun jack-o-lanterns???
Find lots of amazing patterns here:
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