In case you were ever wondering why you should have mercy on
strangers, especially strangers with feisty ones in their family, let me tell
you about last Thursday. So, Feisty Pants has a severe scoliosis, most likely due to years of
spasticity due to the CP. We are fortunate in that Shriner's Hospital for
Children has agreed to do her spinal surgery. It's going to be a major surgery
with a capital M and so there are several clearances we need to get beforehand.
Cardiology, pulmonology and primary care, to be exact. Unfortunately, the
Greater Binghamton Area is not known for its medical subspecialties (read that
as not enough pediatric specialists) Syracuse is the closest area with any
amount of pediatrics, but frankly, with a few exceptions, I am NOT impressed
them on the whole. Especially for pulmonology. (Read THAT as I almost punched
the last pulmonologist who saw Feisty Pants there.) In the words of W.C. Fields, "on the whole, I'd rather be in Philadelphia."
Which brings me to last Thursday. Shriner's, which has
several hospitals across the country, has sent us to their Philly location.
When we explained we had no cardiologist (FP never needed one) and no
pulmonologist at the moment (I don't need an assault charge), they said they
would send us to St. Christopher's Hospital for those specialties. Last
Thursday was the cardiology clearance appointment (ekg and cardiogram). This
involved, at best, a four hour trip down, a three hour appointment, and another
four hours home. We sleep in shifts, so this meant I was giving up some sleep by
getting up early to leave on time. This also meant Goo was giving up MOST of
his sleep because he would be driving when he should be in bed. We did not get
the best circumstances. Forget the minor traffic jam that made us half an
hour late to leave Binghamton (accident on 17) where we got to sit on the overpass
near our house and stare at our own neighborhood's rooftops for 30 minutes.
Forget the accident on the turnpike that added another 20 minutes to our trip
south. We got three quarters of the way down and the appointment coordinator
was on the line to tell us the cardiologist had to cancel the appointment. (Her
husband had died. We couldn't even be righteously indignant.) But since the
coordinator is suberbly good at her job (and knew we had already driven almost
four hours), she was arranging for us to be seen by another cardiologist so we
were to drive to St. Christopher's and wait for her to finish arrangements. We
which we did, after getting lost in Philly. And no one wanted to give us
directions. I am sure they were all just deaf and it had nothing to do with my
hubby's NY Giants tee shirt he was wearing. (Goo is one those rare men who will
ask, mostly because otherwise I use gps and he has to take directions from me-
which he hates) But we made it. Only to sit their hot cafeteria and wait for an
hour and a half to get the call to be seen. And then, when we went to register
their computer system seemed to have a melt down over FP and her insurance and
the Shriner's referral and that took an hour to fix. And this is all before we
saw the Doctor. Who was lovely, and tried to make the appointment go as
quickly and smoothly as possible. But it did indeed, take all afternoon. We
never left the hospital until after six. Just in time to hit rush hour on the way
home. Oh and it was a hundred degrees in Philly last Thursday, because why not
be hot as hell when the day is long and hellish to begin with?
So dear reader, when you see a couple who look like crap and
probably are sniping bitterly at each other, are carrying way too much stuff
and smell like coffee and angst, and have a feisty one in tow who is probably
looking rather fed up too, please have one of two things, mercy or bail
money. One or the other will definitely be needed.
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