So, it has been a bit of a crazy week here in Feisty Pants Land.
(FeistyPantsLandia? Pantsadu? First People's Republic of Feist? Anywhooo....)
The week started out routine but as it got hotter and hotter this week it got
crazier. (Someone needs to turn off the summer oven, we are preheated
already.) People aren't sleeping well because of the heat. Everybody except me
(I'm a ball of flaming sunshine. Shut up. I am too, dammit) is really cranky.
The school thought Feisty Pants had a seizure on Thursday and so she was sent
home early from school. She does not have a seizure disorder -we've had the
EEG's to prove it. But she does have weird tics and fluctuating muscle tone and
something a neurologist once described as random brain activity that can sure as
hell scare every adult with in a mile of her. And since technically any TBI
patient will always have the risk of developing a seizure issue, home she came.
We will now spend the next couple of weeks staring at her to make sure it was
not a seizure. So she was now hot and bored and tired of us grown ups "NOYING "
her. (Annoying her, said with her best adolescent sneer.) Worst of all, she
was supposed to get her hair done and now she has missed the appointment because
adults are all so uptight. The weekend is just turning into the Bataan death march if you ask her.
Feisty Pants is simply a tortured soul. She never gets to do
anything ever. She was punished by being sent home early to her boring house
where there are no cute boys. She has a four day weekend (five if you count
Thursday) and nothing to fill the long boring hours. She went fishing on
Friday- with one of those cute boys from school. But that doesn't count because
she had to return back to her parental prison. She went to Chuck E. Cheese
today for her cousin's birthday party. She loved it but then her parents made
her go home again. (Honestly, why hasn't someone called Children's Protective Services on these monsters?!?) We are having a cook out on Monday. But she
has seen the guest list and there is NO way her sister and the kids are going to
count as a fun party. Besides that's a million years and two days away and how will she fill the long, lonely hours until then? Besides her parents have been
trying to do something with state secrets or so it seems. It seems to involve
them always being on the phone complaining about medical records being sent
where they are supposed to go just at the exact moment FP wants or needs their
attention. Then, when they finally get off the phone, they must get bored
because they just insist on wasting all the good tv/toy/music /movie time
with infuriating questions like "what did you need?" and "what can I do for
you?". If they REALLY meant it, they would have hung up the effing phone the first time she yelled instead of just trying her patience.
I mean, really, exactly how much can one innocent, never
complaining , tirelessly devoted, loving adolescent have to put up with around here
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