Saturday, March 19, 2016

Party Time

        So Feisty Pants and I and the rest of the traveling circus are attending a benefit today.  So I am sitting here eating a veggie burrito and listening to a jam band called the Groovy Boys. I feel like I am just a few bad decisions away from college.  (I do not care what you all think, I loved my mohawk.) Feisty Pants is licking frosting off Goo's cake and bouncing to the music.  I am sitting in the corner and writing this.  Because I am just too cool that way and in no way a nerd or anything. (I am too cool. Shut up...)  
         Feisty Pants for her part was thrilled to find that a manicure is one the prizes being raffled off and stuffed the box for it after conning half the family into buying her raffle tickets.  Dinky Pants seems to think that cake and cookies magically appear in old people's hands because they keep handing them to him.  We have a second band taking the stage now (actually the third but we had to wait for Hippie Pants to finish work so we were late.) This new band's singer is a girl and that seems to have enraptured the mini rocker.  The person for whom the benefit is being thrown (a family member battling cancer) feels very loved right now, and perhaps a bit tipsy, so if that doesn't make this a big success nothing ever will no matter much money it's making. Or should, for what it's worth.
          Which has got me thinking, of all the crazy, seemingly illogical ways we humans deal with illness and tragedy and disaster, this one is not the worst. We often pull back, not knowing what to say or do and fearing we will offend.  We sometimes cut off the ill or suffering person, instinctively fearing contagion that really is never forthcoming.  But, this, when we instead circle our wagons and embrace our tribesman or, amazingly, the stranger at our door, this is all of us at our best and brightest.  When we start to think of us instead of me.  When we help instead of harm.  And best of all, when we help with love and food and music and dancing. This is why we are having this physical experience called life people.  This is the kinda thing that gets my tired tushy out of bed in the morning. This is beautiful.  I wish you all love, peace, and when necessary, a tribe that brings the burritos, jam bands and raffle tickets 

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