Well now, it has been about a century since I was able to post last. Ok.
Maybe not exactly a century but I can say it was last year. (See what I did
there? Snort.) It's just that every time I have tried to write a post in the
last three weeks, some weird and/or messy time eating catastrophe has happened.
First, there was crazy 6 am Emergency Room visit. The Friday before Christmas, at 6 am, Goo yelled up
that her sat rates were fluctuating wildly. ( 84% one mintue, 94% the next - for
the uninitiated, that's a really big deal) So we schlepped off to the hospital.
To find out that Feisty Pants had a bad cold. Don't get me wrong, I would
rather deal with a million colds than one pneumonia, but it took all day. On the day I
needed to grocery shop, finish presents, post, and pack to leave for my folks.
Which meant that we had to do all that on the next day, which meant THAT day's
work got pushed back etc etc etc...
Then there was day of botox shots, or as FP puts it, the day of
torturing her for no damn good reason. Forget that she only got about 10 needle
sticks to her face as opposed to thirty or so to her entire body she used to
get. We are still frigging evil and ruined Christmas and her birthday and the
rest of her life and she made sure we knew it by yelling for alllllllll day. We
are just lying about it being for her own good. That's what all evil tyrants
Then we went to my folks for the holiday and, since they live in
Brigadoon, the interwebs is spotty through that time barrier so no posting there.
I thought I could fit a post in the day we got back, but unpacking took longer
than I thought and in the midst of it a starving little kitten LITERALLY
wandered in our back door loudly demanding love, food, and squeees and sending
the rug rats into a commotion and what can you do but name the damn thing
Mistletoe and make more room at the inn?
The entire week after Christmas was out because Hippie Pants, who
really needs cable tv, decided that just might be good week to have her second
kid. (The week before was already taken due to Christmas and a relative having
surgery to have an eye removed.) So we were a wee bit busy there.
So, finally, on this last Sunday. When everybody was home, the bags
were finally unpacked, the house was finally clean(ish), I thought I could sit
down and write a post. Only, at that very moment, to have a frigging SUV almost
wreck into my house. Seriously. It hit ice, slid into a tree right smack in
front of my house and ended up with its smashed up nose on the ramp to our front
So, it is safe now? Can I come out from under the bed? If I manage to break the spell and get this posted. I want chocolates
thrown at me and a parade. And how were your holidays?
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