Anywhoo, since it is Thanksgiving I thought perhaps I would list
out some things I am thankful for. Really I should do this more often, but, in
my defense I forget to do so. Plus apparently I am a slightly reprehensible
human being who needs an occasional reminder to be grateful. (I don't want to
hear it, you guys sometimes suck too, I SEE your facebook posts... just
To that end:
Thank you, Universe for the following:
1) The news that coffee can help you live longer. (Have you seen that
study?!? go look it up, I'll wait) Holy Cannolis, I have never felt more like a
highlander in my life. We live on coffee. Cut me and I bleed starbucks. If
you see wild lightning coming from my kitchen, no worries. I have just slain Goo
in ritual combat. There can be only one.
2) Jim Henson movies- I do not know what tv executive has decided to spring
Jim Henson on us this Thanksgiving, but may the gods bless his fuzzy little
heart. The ONLY time Feisty Pants has not complained this last week is when she
had the Macy's Parade, Labyrinth, a Muppet movie, and Turkey Hollow to keep her
amazed. It's the only time I was able to get anything done around here. I may
have to stalk and kidnap Kermit and the gang.
3) People in Binghamton named Rhonda. - seriously. I never met anyone
named Rhonda before I lived here. Now, I have met three. All have been in the
medical profession (two nurses and an occupational therapist). All are really
good at their jobs. And all three have remarkably been able to understand
Feisty Pants' garbled speech and actually listened to her, much to her delight.
And their listening has made their care of her better, much to Goo's and my
4) It's finally starting to get cold. Not cold enough for me (I am the
one in my backyard doing a snow ritual) but cold enough at night to start
killing mildew. If this keeps up, we might make through the holidays
intact. Santa could bring me the gift of no antibiotics. That would truly be a
holiday miracle.
How about you? What are you thankful for this delightful Holiday