To that end, will you all do me a solid? Please?
There is a kid named Dylan D. living in Rochester whose mom is trying to get a
birthday card drive going for him. He is an Aspergers kid who had some problems
with bullying. (Sigh.... I get kids do not come with morals factory installed,
but you think we adults would better at the after market ethics installation.)
Dylan is now home schooled but perhaps a bit lonely. All he wanted for his
birthday last year was some cards in the mail. Which never came (He did receive
a card, but not in the mail.). So this birthday, his mom is out-classing us all
and pulling out all the stops to do so. Here's how you can help. Please buy a
card suitable for a sixteen year old boy (nothing risque please, crazy friends,
you know who I am talking to.) Add a few kind words. Pop it in the mail before
October 27. (Early is ok, the mom is clever and made arrangements) He'll be
thrilled. His mom will have a full heart. (A heart on???? Sorry, I had to. My bad.)
You will have a lovely warm feeling worth being a little smug over. Win for
everybody. Here's the name and address. Don't worry about the last name only
being an initial. His mom made arrangements for that too. (I did say she was
clever.) And, Dylan, if you are ever seeing this, I hope your birthday turns to
be as amazing as you and your mom.
Please send a card to:
Dylan D.
P.O. Box 16797Rochester, NY 14616
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