So if you need Feisty Pants or I, we will be under the bed,
coated in Purell, pretending to be groundhogs. Or maybe we will just hide in
the fort she has decided we need to build in our living room. To be honest, if
I thought it would help, I would turn the whole house into one big blanket
fort. I am already scoping out foil hat designs, you know, just in case. We
definitely WON'T be at Disneyland. That is apparently ground zero for the
Zombie Apocalypse. Really, people, vaccinate your kids. What you are saying
when you don't is that the idea that there could be a health threat that would
MAYBE, POSSIBLY affect your kid's life is worth some one else's, say, MY kid's
LIKELY death due to measles or pertussis. Or that your child dying of measles or
diphtheria or pertussis is better than living with autism. Forgive me if I find
that possibly offensive. Make no mistake, these illnesses are dangerous. People die from them. That's why vaccines were invented. If it makes you feel better, for the record, I took my
kid (you know, the one with the brain injury and therefore an already
compromised neurological profile) to a neurologist when she was just tiny and
asked specifically about vaccines and neurological risk. His advice was to give
the T-dap (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis) shot in separate doses instead of
combined and give the pertussis one month later than the other two. He also
said not to worry about the mmr (measles, mumps, rubella) at all. If you are worried, try that. (If you
are really worried, take a look at all the pesticides we feed our little ones on
a daily basis and decide which is the bigger threat, just saying.)
You'll have to forgive me if I seem cranky, but every time I turn
around someone is throwing up or coughing up blood (Hippie Pants split her
throat coughing)or just quitting and doing a runner. Sigh. Even the big snow
storm failed to make an appearance around here. And now even Goo is saying he
feels "off". Great. If I poke my head out from under this bed and see my
shadow, I just KNOW there will six more weeks of flu season.
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