Sunday, November 2, 2014


               So, another Halloween has come and gone.  No one was in the hospital.  No one cried or threw up.  And our jack-o-lanterns made it through the weekend without violence or bloodshed. (Or is that pumpkin guts-shed?)  So, I am officially calling the Season of the Witch a success.  I am a little scared to do that only to wake up tomorrow to some awful horror or fever or "pea soup scene from the Exorcist" style crisis.  But we had a GRAND weekend and I wanna revel in the gratitude a little bit.   We have now hit a fabulous in between moment of the year and I am going to bask in it as long as the Universe allows me to do so. 
              The rush to fall and Halloween is done.  Christmas frenzy is not yet up and running no matter how much  the big box stores want you to think so.  It's still too early to start prepping for stuff yourself like a turkey day.   The clocks have been reset (YAY extra hour of sleep HUZZAH!) and it's cold and blustery outside.  Sigh, long contented sigh.  I am one of those weird freaks who LOVES the cold and dark of the year. A cold November is one of my happy places.  All you sun bathers dreaming of sunny climes and sandy beaches can have them.  I could shack up with a polar bear and be thrilled in an ice age. As long as it's cold enough to kill the leaf mold, Feisty Pants does not wheeze.  This so much more civilized than when she was younger and we spent this time of year camped out in ER's and peds wards.
              And so, not much to rush around doing right now.  As long as Feisty Pants isn't sick, we will just go about our routine.  Therapies and a few doctor's appointments.  One dentist visit to make it through, hopefully with out traumatizing the other kids there.  (Feisty Pants is not a fan of the dentist and makes sure to let everyone know it.)  Some leaves to rake.  A few chores to finish before the snow starts to fly.
            Feisty Pants herself is in good mood too.  She got to be a Ninja Turtle.  (Leonardo, cause he's the leader, of course.)  She originally wanted to be a voodoo doll but no one else wanted to do a voodoo theme AGAIN.  Both she and Hippie Pants go as a theme somehow, so she settled for TMNT because they are (and I'm quoting here) "bad azz".  She is also all excited because she got to break out her new winter coat which is frigging neon pink.  I'm allergic to pink, especially on girls, which just makes that more fun for FP.  She thinks she is being as rebellious as hell.  Do me a favor .  Don't tell her otherwise.  She  is having way too much fun being sure she is a bad azz.  And I just maybe, might get a few minutes to sip some tea and enjoy all her bad azzness.


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