Thursday, July 18, 2019

Skip to my Lou

                  So Goo and I have decided to let Feisty Pants skip a day of school.   We really debated it back and forth. She probably misses about 30 days a year an average.  That average used to be 45 days a year- so yayyy progress!  Illness, doctor's appointments,  more illnesses, days we couldn't quite get her off the oxygen after an illness, even more doctors appointments. You get the picture. I hate to have her miss extra school days but...   But, But, But,  I hate even more for my kid, who misses out on so much of everyday life we take for granted, to miss out on any of the day to day stuff that makes a life.   In this case, skipping a day of school and hanging with Boyfriend Pants.  
                 There are circumstances. Her school is having a field trip that day. One which she only partially takes part in. They go to the county fair- but my kid can't ride the rides or eat the foods   She loves the animals -but they do sometimes set off her allergies.  It has been particularly hot and humid this summer. Which she does not handle well. At. All. And in Feisty Pants' mind, Boyfriend Pants won't be going so what is the point anyway???  (Can you tell she is sixteen?) She could be one of the kids who goes to school but does not go on the field trip that day but that leaves a terrible taste in my mouth and soul. It's like being the kid who watches all the other kids play baseball while they are stuck practicing the oboe inside.  I don't know what they do that day- I hope it's have a pizza party but I have horrible, boring versions of the Breakfast Club running through my head as I type this.  Normally we would watch the weather and pray for the best (C'mon, overcast and no heatstroke)
                 But this year, when Boyfriend Pants' mom messaged me on FB and extended an invite for FP and Hot Pants to go sit an air conditioned theater and watch movies, we decided to throw parental sternness (sternity? sternition? what's the nicest word for we decided to take the parental stick out of our asses?) to the winds and revel in her chance to be an obnoxious sixteen year old.  Feisty Pants is utterly enthralled at the idea of being totally bad ass and skipping school, going to movies, and "making out in the back row"  Don't make comments- her version of making out is putting kissing noises on her ipad and pushing a button to make the noise at Boyfriend Pants while he smiles and blushes.  It's a remarkably pg rated version of rebellion on her part, so ctfd people.   My only real concern is what I say if she's busted for truancy. I can't claim ignorance- the child is in a wheelchair she cannot operate alone so how can I claim I am sure she was in school all day?   I guess I better come up with a good excuse by the day in question or buy a harmonica for Feisty Pants and I to use the pass the time in detention together.   If you can't reach me, that's where we will be. Smack dab in High School Joliet.