But now, at least Goo is home and slowly healing. Although, a big bag of di@#s to the surgeon who thinks motrin is an acceptable form of pain control for a six foot three man with four hernia repairs and at least that many hematomas from the surgery. I totally get we have an opioid epidemic in this country, but maybe that means the medical profession needs to get off it's keister and learn new pain control methods instead of being a two trick pony, eh? "Nothing or heroin" seems to not be working well. Maybe I'm a tad demanding but you all get paid a lot of money, earn it. Just saying.
Feisty Pants seems to be doing ok for the annual sinus-y, snotty season of snow melting and mildew. She has her monthly sinus infection, but it was caught quickly (Thanks Hot Pants!) and so far, no hospital stay or even a week at home on oxygen. Just minor crankiness and a second antibiotic. She also got her a new totally adorbs haircut and rainbow dye job on her birthday, so she is the queen of the universe, as is her due.
We also seemed to have made it through Easter with only a few mishaps. Honey Badger and I still look a little tie dyed from coloring eggs. Honey Badger's brother Dinky Pants (he's gonna just LOVE that name as he gets older) had some interesting sound effects as he ate his bunny ears first. ("Can you hear me Bunny? NO you can't! You have no ears!") We ALMOST have the little ones convinced broccoli gives your Easter wishes, but then all they wished for was more chocolate so there's that. Ah well whatcha gonna do? Except suck back some more bunny ears. In Feisty Pants Land no can hear you bitch anyway.
Hope your holiday finds you healthy, happy, and overstuffed with good chocolate.