Monday, September 25, 2017


          So, it's only been a million years since I posted, or six weeks give or take.   I guess I can stop pouting, um errr, sitting with my feelings for a bit.  (What?!? I was totally not pouting at all, honest.) But it's been a very long summer here in the Tired People's Republic of Feist.  Feisty Pants has now had three spinal surgeries in two states.  (Only one of them not planned!) My roof still has a big old tarp on it. (I'm sure the roofing company  will get to us any day now.) We waited for 14 weeks while some jerkoff, um err, I mean wheelchair vendor, no I really do mean jerkoff,  made my kid wait while he did NOTHING. And the sycophantic prostitutes in DC, um er, I mean our completely trustworthy representatives are trying to take away her health care. Again.  If it wasn't for the new catastrophe of my car dying I'd think I was in a low rent version of Groundhog's Day.  Except it's an endless depressing summer instead of Punxy in winter.
            But enough whining, really I'm almost fed up with myself.  The roof will get done.  (After all, they want my money.) The last surgery (to clean out an infection) was a success. The picc line she had for three weeks is out. If FP is on antibiotics for life (not kidding on that one), it really is a minor price for good health and a straight back. She already takes a ton of meds.  One more really isn't much. Feisty Pants is back to school and flirting with Boyfriend Pants.  I knew a guy who knew a guy (Take a bow, Hot Pants) so the Feistymobile should be up and running in a few days.   Surely this godforsaken heat cannot last much longer.  October has simply got to come and bring with it chilly nights and pumpkins and ghosts and sweaters and a million other things I will especially grateful for after this crazy, sweaty debacle of a season.   Heck, it even looks as if this latest attempt at institutionalizing depraved indifference to human life might fail. (Don't count on it though, keep calling and tweeting and emailing. Make sure they know exactly what it will cost them to harm our most vulnerable loved ones. **cough killtheirdamncareers cough cough**)

              So I think I will take a risk and get off my whiny butt. It's about time things got back to whatever passes for normal around here. We've got Halloween costumes to get (Feisty Pants wants to be a unicorn. She even talked Goo into being Unicorn Poop. FP thinks she's hysterical.)  We have a new wheelchair vendor to harass. (That will be a whole new post.) We got a bunch of appointments coming up. And the holidays are right around the corner. In other words, we do kind of see our version of normal at the end of the tunnel.  (Please don't be a train.)